& gender mainstreaming gabriella richardson temm gef coordinator, gender and social issues
commitments not an end in itself actively promoting gender equality Cross cutting issue Responding to commitments of MEAs Building on body of evidence not an end in itself actively promoting gender equality comprehensive
gender policy Project Standards Institutional level Project level Agency accreditation requirements & compliance Competency Capacity Processes Project level Project Standards Social/Gender analysis Stakeholder consultations Gender responsive results -based framework Gender sensitive activities
gender results framework Outcome areas Core Corporate GEF Indicators Verification (project level) Project design is gender responsive % of projects that have conducted gender analysis during project preparation % of projects that have incorporated gender responsive project results framework Project Document at CEO endorsement Project implementation ensures gender equitable participation in and benefits from project activities Share of women and men as direct beneficiaries of project Share of convention related national reports incorporated gender dimensions (e.g. NBSAP, NAPA, TDA/SAP) Project implementation reports, mid-term evaluation reports (GEF focal area tracking tools) Project monitoring and evaluation give adequate attention to gender mainstreaming % of monitoring and evaluation report that incorporates gender equality/women’s empowerment issues and assess results
Project implications (1) Document how gender equality and women’s empowerment issues will be mainstreamed into the project implementation and monitoring Gender analysis Undertaking gender-sensitive situation, context and sector analysis Conducting participatory assessments of gender dynamics Gender responsive stakeholder mapping and consultation Conducting inclusive stakeholder /mapping analysis Supporting and selecting project partners Free, prior and informed consent … Gender responsive results based framework Linking findings of gender analysis to project theory of change, outcomes, outputs and activities Collecting baseline information, developing project sex-disaggregated indicators (e.g. share of women and men as direct beneficiaries) Gender responsive budget Capacity review and staffing plan Project design Project design fully integrates gender concerns What does this mean?
Project implications (2) Project implementation ensures gender equitable participation in and benefit from project activities Cultivating gender sensitive project teams Deepening stakeholder engagement and partnerships Sustaining gender analysis and regenerating gender mainstreaming efforts Project implementation Good practices
Project implications (3) M&E and reporting Project Implementation Review Midterm Review Tracking tools Terminal evaluation GEF project monitoring and evaluation give adequate attention to gender
GEF 6 activities results-based management knowledge & learning capacity building programming and policy project cycle Action Plan gef gender partnership
priorities Portfolio review Update GEF’s Policy on Gender Develop Guidelines and Tools Support capacity building efforts and platforms for learning Going forward
please do not hesitate to contact me Thank you & please do not hesitate to contact me grichardsontemm@thegef.org