Linking computers to make business more effective Topic 17 Theme 3: Data dynamics Linking computers to make business more effective Topic 17 Chapter 1.5. Page 77 – 91 Computers in the workplace
Uses of computers in an organisation Information system What data is stored? What type of information is produced? What information is produced in a school environment? Communication Why is effective communication necessary in a business?
Computer networks
Why is a network necessary? Share equipment Share data Transfer data and information Increase control and security Communication Games
Check if you understand 1 Check if you understand Activity Page 80
2 Apply Activity Page 80 Case study
Types of networks Local Area Network (LAN) Small area such as a school, university campus or company offices in one building. Cables or wireless connections such as radio waves.
Types of networks Wide Area Network (WAN) Spread over city, provinces, countries or continents – link groups of LANs. Telephone lines, satellite or microwaves Examples Cellular networks Internet Banks with ATMs Motor car dealership with different branches
Network components
Check if you understand 3 Activity Page 83 Check if you understand Network terminology
5 Apply Activity Page 86 Network terminology
Implications for the work environment When a company starts making use of computers, there are a few procedures that must be put in place: Training Structured file saving Backup Piracy and copyright Acceptable computer usage Discuss each of these procedures – what does it entail?
Activity Issues regarding the use of computers in the workplace 6 Check if you understand Activity Page 89 Issues regarding the use of computers in the workplace
6 Checklist Activity Page 89 I can . . . .