Performed by: Taha shashtari Mahmoud shaka’a Q&A Project Performed by: Taha shashtari Mahmoud shaka’a SUPRVISED BY: - Dr. Luai Mlhis - Mrs. Manar Qamhyia
What have we built? It’s a Question and Answers system for educational purposes. Just like StackOverflow, but for education.
Why have we built it? To make the process of helping students with their problems very easy and less time consuming. To help students gain more experience from other students. To create a place for discussions between students on specific topics. To make new students more familiar with their majors as early as possible.
How it works? Have a problem Ask a question Wait for answers Rank answers Have a discussion through comments Mark the best answer
Features Filtering Levels (University, Faculty, Department) Tagging Authorization (Admin, Moderator, Student) Quick Access
Implementation The implementation is divided into two parts: Front-End Back-End
Front-End Work Includes the following: Layout Design (using bootstrap) Interactivity (using jQuery + bootstrap => JavaScript) Ajax Requests Add some responsiveness
Tools used in the front-end HTML5 CSS3 / Bootstrap JavaScript (ES5) / jQuery / Bootstrap
Back-End Work Includes the following: Database (design & implementation) Server-side programming Business Logic
Tools used in the back-end PHP / Laravel Framework Mysql (with migrations)
A quick look at the database schema
Security Protecting ourselves from the following attacks: SQL Injection (By using ORM) CSRF Attacks (By using a token for each request) XSS Attacks (By encoding the html before displaying it) Stealing user’s email & password (By using login throttling)
Future Work Private messaging between students and teachers. A fast notification system to keep the user up to date with recent activities. Holding custom discussion groups (e.g. per class) instead of general ones. Convert it into an API-Centric web application (for other devices).
The ultimate goal What if we convert it into an installable application? Fully-customizable. Not just for education.
Thanks! Any questions?