Extra Credit Opportunity Find examples of what we’re talking about in class Videos (have to have a link to the video to send me, or the specific Netflix episode/time) Blog examples News articles Information Have to articulate how it is an example of a concept we’ve talked about in class
Health Communication in Your Life
Overview of Class Current Issues in Health Communication That you listed! From the reading Healthy People 2020* Importance of Health Communication 6 reasons from the reading Examples of each**
Current Issues in Health Communication Medical Cost-Cutting Prevention Patient Empowerment Global Health Needs Changing Populations Technology DQ: Why are these important? They impact you as patients, the type of care you receive, drive trends in research and development, impact careers
Current Health Issues Healthy People 2000, 2010, 2020 Set of nationwide health-promotion and disease-prevention goals developed by the United State Department of Health and Human Service http://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/TopicsObjectives2020/pdfs/HP2020 _brochure_with_LHI_508.pdf
Importance of Health Communication Communication is crucial to the success of healthcare encounters Communication is an important source of personal confidence and coping ability Effective communication saves time and money Communication helps healthcare organizations operate effectively Wise use of mass media can help people learn about health and minimize the influence of unhealthy and unrealistic media portrayals The health industry is rich with career opportunities
Communication is crucial to the success of healthcare encounters. Providers need it to understand what is going on, patients who take an active role are more likely to be satisfied. 1 in 2 adults in the US have low health literacy Book: Daughter has severe epilepsy – Hmong cultural beliefs, miscommunication about dosages, parental refusal to treat daughter due to mistrust, misunderstanding, lack of knowledge about various cultural beliefs.
Communication is an important source of personal confidence and coping ability. Providers experience less burnout when confident about communication skills Patients cope best when they feel comfortable talking about various subjects Supportive communication Positive outcomes Example: online support groups for miscarriage because often times we don’t know how to talk to others about it, people may be burnout with support or not understand and the parents need someone to provide support for them still
Left: Pew Internet (2008), Right: Accenture press release (2010) One way in which patients are gaining personal confidence and coping is through online info. Left: Pew Internet (2008), Right: Accenture press release (2010)
Tips for Finding Health Info Online How to determine if the source is credible: http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/TeachingLib/Guides/Internet/Evaluate.html Most recommended http://www.ucsfhealth.org/education/evaluating_health_information/ http://patients.about.com/od/researchandresources/a/internetcred.htm List of health information websites: http://patients.about.com/od/researchandresources/tp/internetguide.ht m Tips for how to ask your doctor about health info you found online http://patients.about.com/od/therightdoctorforyou/a/shareinternet.htm
Effective communication saves time and money (and frustration!). Example: Patients who don’t understand how to take their medication will likely return to the hospital. Shelby (GED, high school health literacy) took 40 pills at once: “He told me to take all of them [medication samples] and I was like take all of them and he's like yeah and I took like, he was thinking I was asking take all of them throughout the month and I took all of them in one day.” Medical professional: less likely to be sued Patients: get healthier quicker
Mass media can help you learn about health, but also can portray unhealthy and unrealistic messages. Children learn from TV that calorie-dense foods that are high in fat and sugar taste great and are extremely rewarding to consume Food products are the most advertised category on children’s TV networks 98% of advertised food are of low nutritional value On average, children in the U.S. view 15 TV food advertisements a day Children who watch more TV are more likely to think that unhealthy foods taste better, more likely to eat them Harris & Bargh (2009)
Example: Sesame Street Cookie Monster
As a parent, you should talk to your child about critical viewing and set food rules. This is shown to moderate the effects of TV. The effects of TV watching in early childhood also last into college.
The health industry has a number of career opportunities. Design programs, campaigns, or materials Conduct research to develop programs, campaigns, or materials Administer health information services Organize coalitions or act as an advocate Obtain funding for communication about health Evaluate programs, campaigns, or materials Teach classes or provide training about health Develop health-related public relations Market health-related products or services Responsibilities of someone in a health communication related field Mattson & Hall (2011) p. 32
What is your current or future health-related career?
Take Away Points Current Issues in Health Communication Know and recognize an example of the 6 listed in the book What is Healthy People 2020 and why does it matter? Know the 6 reasons why you should study health communication Know the examples for each; For example, how might the Cookie Monster exemplify why health communication is important?
References Harris, J. L., & Bargh, J. A. (2009). Television viewing and unhealthy diet: implications for children and media interventions. Health Communication, 24(7), 660-673.