Presented by Sipho Ndala Mandatory Grants May-June 2011 May-June 2011 Mandatory Grants (WSP/ATR) Presented by Sipho Ndala May/June 2011
Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR May-June 2011 Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR To claim the Mandatory Grant, an employer must submit a combined Annual Training Report and a Workplace Skills Plan to AgriSETA by 30 June. Only employers who's payroll is more than R500,000.00 per year may submit a Mandatory Grant Application Employers under the R500,000.00 threshold should contact SARS with assistance with deregistering. As from 1 April 2011 onwards an employer who makes an application on time and in the proper manner will receive back 40% of the total levies paid over to SARS
Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR May-June 2011 Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR IMPORTANT It is compulsory for employers to complete and submit the ATR/WSP on line via the AgriSETA Seta Management System (SMS)
Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR May-June 2011 Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR In some cases employers may request to submit a hard copy by completing a “Special Request Form” and sending it to AgriSETA for Approval. Special Request may be submitted if: Employer do not have internet access/poor connection; or If an organization is not yet available on AgriSETA system due to: Newly registered at SARS Organization which changed its registration name Inter-Seta Transfers A Sample of Special Request form on Page 116 of the Information pack.
Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR May-June 2011 Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR Information on last years submissions (ATR09-10 & WSP10/11)
Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR May-June 2011 Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR 853 = 49% Total received = 1737
Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR May-June 2011 May-June 2011 Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR 1281 = 74% Total received = 1737
Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR May-June 2011 Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR 562 = 32% Total received = 1737
Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR May-June 2011 Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR Most common errors on applications: Total number of employees (permanent/temporary) not completed in full on the organization information. Total number of employees completed on the employment profile should correspond with the total number of employees stated on the organization information. Total number per age group should correspond with the total number of employees on both the organization information and employment profile Payroll amounts not completed or incorrect. SDF details not fully completed. i.e. ID numbers The estimated amount spend on training not completed Learning programme numbers not completed correctly/in full on the training profiles.
Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR May-June 2011 Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR Most common errors on applications: Employees per province should correspond with total number of employees on organization information. Employment profiles for both permanent and temporary employees should correspond with the totals on the organization information Budget amount for training not completed Authorization pages: Not submitted to AgriSETA Not fully completed and signed The correct designated persons do not sign Copies of signatures uses instead of original signatures Proof of Training For the incorrect year submitted Incorrect/insufficient proof submitted On line submission opened and completed but not submitted to AgriSETA
Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR May-June 2011 Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR How can we reduce the number of errors on ATR/WSP submissions ????
Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR May-June 2011 Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR SDF Training sessions: All SDFs should try to attend our annual provincial training sessions. Ask questions in the training session.
Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR May-June 2011 Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR Manuals & Guides: Please make use of AgriSETA manuals and guides! The following manuals will assist you immensely: Mandatory Grant info Manual & Step-By-Step WSP/ATR Submission Guidelines SDF Quick Guide Internet Settings & Troubleshoot Manual SMS User Guide SMS On Line ATR/WSP Submission Manual Take note that all the above mentioned documents are included in Mandatory Grants WSP/ATR Information pack
Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR May-June 2011 Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR Any questions ?
Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR May-June 2011 Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR Changes for 2011/2012 : From 1 April 2011 onwards the Mandatory Grant payment percentage is 40 % SMS: A specific section must be completed in full before next form open up for completion. (Starting with the ATR followed by the WSP) SMS: The Submit button will only be available if document is fully completed Employers/SDF can now upload the following documents directly onto SMS Signed Authorization & Declaration Page Proof of Training pages (up to 20 pages) Copy of cheque/bank statement/bank letter
Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR May-June 2011 Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR Proof of training completed: We require only a SAMPLE of proof of training completed as stated on the Annual Training Report (ATR) for 1 April 2010 up to 31 March 2011 (Maximum of 5 pages)
Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR May-June 2011 Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR Proof of training completed: Copies of Invoices (Preferred Proof) Copies of Certificates Copies of Attendance Registers Summary of Training done
Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR May-June 2011 Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR Proof of training: Do’s & Don'ts Do’s Ensure that the company name is clearly stated on all pages Ensure that the period/date of training is clearly stated Ensure that the proof of training is for the relevant year
Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR May-June 2011 Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR Proof of training: Do’s & Don'ts Don'ts Do not send more than 5 pages per SDL number. If we require more we will send you a written request. Do not sent more than one page per learning programme/training course. (E.g. Invoice + certificate + attendance) Do not sent proof of training per employee (E.g. 5 five certificates for tractor training) Do not sent any petrol/tollgate slips, catering invoices, airline tickets, hotel accommodation invoices, quotations, training programmes
Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR May-June 2011 Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR Samples of Proof of Training
Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR May-June 2011 Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR Sample of correct Invoice Name of organization clearly visible Date of training clearly visible and for the correct financial year Type of training clearly visible
Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR May-June 2011 Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR Sample of incorrect Invoice ONo date of invoice ONo company name ONo date of training
Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR May-June 2011 Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR Sample of correct Certificate Type of training clearly visible Date of training clearly Company Name clearly
Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR May-June 2011 Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR Sample of incorrect Certificate ONo company name ONo type of training ONo date of training Confidential info
Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR May-June 2011 Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR Sample of correct Attendance Register Company Name clearly visible Type of training Date of training Signed by attendees
Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR May-June 2011 Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR Sample of incorrect Attendance Register ONo company name ONo SDL number ONot signed ONo date of training ONo type of training
Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR May-June 2011 Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR Sample of correct Summary of Training On Company Letter Head SDL Number clearly stated Date/period of training clearly stated Number of employees trained clearly stated Type of training clearly stated Signed by owner/MD/Trustee
Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR May-June 2011 Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR Sample of incorrect Summary of Training ONot on company letterhead ONo company name/SDL number OType of training not specified ONo number of attendees ONo date of training O Not signed / No job title
Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR May-June 2011 Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR Any questions ?
Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR May-June 2011 Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR ATR10/11 & WSP11/12 Submission Due date: THURSDAY 30 JUNE 2011 @ 24:00
Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR May-June 2011 May-June 2011 Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR WSP/ATR SUBMISSIONS Tell: (012) 301 5604 / 5637 / 5619 Fax: (012) 325 5845 or 086 532 7041 E-mail: Post: PO Box 26024, Arcadia,0007 Deliver: AgriSETA House, 529 Belvedere Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083 For more info on Mandatory Grants please visit our website
Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR May-June 2011 Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR Sipho Ndala Mandatory Grants Assistant Tel: 012-301-5637
Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR May-June 2011 Mandatory Grants: WSP/ATR THANK YOU