ASD SSG monthy conference call on the 3rd of October 2014 Proposed ASD SSG recommendation regarding the governance of international standards initiatives for 3D PMI “semantic representation” Jean-Yves DELAUNAY: EADS - Airbus
Table Summary of LOTAR Sept. 2014 workshop STEP AP 242 Proposed LOTAR recommendations for standards for 3D PMI semantic representation Presentation to the LOTAR project of the status of progress of STEP AP 239 ED3 whitepaper STEP AP 242 Status / planning of CAx recommended practices for STEP AP 242 Summary of STEP AP 242 ED2 workshop (draft) Preparation of AFNet – ProSTEP iViP STEP AP 242 benchmark N°1
LOTAR International workshop on the 15th – 17th of Sept. 2014 <Titel> LOTAR International workshop on the 15th – 17th of Sept. 2014 LOTAR recommendations for consistency of 3D PMI semantic information models in ISO standards Version 0-1 © LOTAR 2010
16 – 18 Sept. 2014 LOTAR workshop Proposed LOTAR recommendations for standards for 3D PMI semantic representation LOTAR position In consistency with fundamental concepts of LOTAR NAS / EN 9300 part 3, : Recommendation that ISO STEP AP 242 information model for 3D PMI “semantic representation” is the reference for the other related ISO standards initiatives Recommendation to support coordination between the future ISO AP 242 edition 2 project and the other 3D PMI standardization projects to define consistent international standard for 3D PMI “semantic representation”, applicable for: The product life cycles: Simulation, Design, Manuf., Inspection, Support The different business needs: exchange, query, LT archiving, visualization,… The different technologies: ASCII P21, XML, binary, …
LOTAR recommendation to ISO /TC 184 /SC 4 for other ISO /TCs or Liaison A associations Proposal to ISO LOTAR recommendations via the LOTAR sponsoring associations acknowledged as official liaison with ISO /TC 184 /SC 4; e.g.: USA: PDES Inc, Europe: ASD , etc The ISO /TC 184 /SC 4 proposes to the ISO /TC 171/SC2 (“Document Management Applications”) (respectively ISO /TC 261 “Additive Manufacturing”) (respectively DMSC “, A liaison member of ISO /TC 184) to consider the use a common ISO information model for 3D PMI “semantic representation” to provide necessary capabilities to all ISO standards data formats The common ISO information model must be aligned to GD&T developments in ISO TC 10 (Technical product documentation) and ISO TC 213 (Dimensional & geometrical product specifications and verification) and equivalent ASME standards.
Presentation to the LOTAR project of the status of progress of STEP AP 239 ED3 whitepaper
Table Summary of LOTAR Sept. 2014 workshop STEP AP 242 Proposed LOTAR recommendations for standards for 3D PMI semantic representation Presentation to the LOTAR project of the status of progress of STEP AP 239 ED3 whitepaper STEP AP 242 Status / planning of CAx recommended practices for STEP AP 242 Summary of STEP AP 242 ED2 workshop (draft) Preparation of AFNet – ProSTEP iViP STEP AP 242 benchmark N°1
Preparation of operational solutions for STEP AP 242 edition 1 standard Business needs / use cases Operational solutions for the industry) STEP AP 242 E1 Interop. Test Rounds (led by Manufacturers) Benchmark STEP AP 242 E1 standard STEP AP 242 E1 Interop. Test Rounds (by vendors) Implementer Forum STEP AP 242 E1 Recommended Practices STEP AP 242 E1 Pilots
Status of STEP AP 242 Recommended Practices & associated activities of the Implementor Forums DRAFT for discussion
International Kickoff confcal (2nd of Sept International Kickoff confcal (2nd of Sept. 2014) for the STEP AP 242 ED2 project Participants Standardization associations NIST (A. Barnard Feeney) ProSTEP (M. Ungerer) PDES Inc (T. Bluhm, D. Edwards) AfNet (J. Brangé, K. Le Tutour) LOTAR (R. Zuray, JY Delaunay) ISO / ASME experts (K. Hunten, B. Fischer, T Thurman N. Shaw, J. Haenisch, C. Caillet) A&D manufacturers associations AIA (R Rentsch) ASD SSG (Y Baudier) GIFAS (J. Brangé) Automotive associations Galia (A. Loire) A&D Manufacturers Embraer (E. Moura) Gulfstream (D. Ganser) Boeing (J. Ganguli, R. Zuray, T. Bluhm, D. Briggs) Honeywell (J. Russel, C. Martinez) IAI (JP Stroweis) L-Martin (J.Holmlund Airbus Gr. (F. Darré, S. Herail, JY Delaunay) Automotive Manufacturers PSA (F. Chambolle) Scania (M. Hedlind) Other industries EDF (C. Mouton)
STEP AP 242 ED2 project ISO and Project Views ISO View Approved Work Item under TC 184 WG12/WG21 Application Protocol series; Communication and Ballot Project Leader Jean Brangé Project Editor Darla Nettles Edwards Countries providing experts: USA, China, France, Germany, Norway, Sweden Project View Resources from Different Organizations/Companies AFNET, ASD, AIA, GIFAS, Prostep iViP, PDES Inc., NIST, Gulfstream, Embraer,Airbus Group, IAI Euros, Dollars, Hours Joint projects working together LOTAR teams, PDES teams Need to close the loop with ISO on the Project Leader change to Jean
STEP AP 242 ED2 project Steering Committee Allison Barnard Feeney – NIST Tom Bluhm – PDES, Inc., Boeing Jean Brangé – AFNet Jeff Holmlund – Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Jean-Yves Delaunay – LOTAR International, Airbus Group Darla Nettles Edwards – NIST, Liberty Business Associates Dan Ganser – Gulfstream Alexander Loire – GALIA Howard Mason – Chair SC4, BAE Systems Everson Moura – Embraer Jean-Pierre Stroweis – Israel Aeronautics Industries Max Ungerer – Prostep iViP Rick Zuray – LOTAR International, Boeing AP 242 Ed2 Virtual Kickoff - September 2, 2014
STEP AP 242 ED2 project Target Project Plan Overview High Level Milestones New Work Item Approved July 18, 2015 Kickoff - September 2 CD Ballot Begins June 2015 DIS Ballot Begins February 2016 IS Submitted to ISO for Publicat. Nov. 2016
STEP AP 242 benchmark N°1 Answers received from PLM vendors (30th of Sept. 2014) Good results for the preparation of the organization of the 1st STEP AP 242 benchmark CAD-PDM vendors Autodesk, Dassault Systemes, PTC, Siemens PLM solutions CAD STEP interface integrators and STEP visualization Coretechnologie, Datakit, Techsoft3D PDM STEP interfaces integrators EPM Jotne, Tsystems, Eurostep, ProSTEP AG,
Proposed use cases to be tested by the STEP AP 242 benchmark N°1 (according to resources available) DRAFT
Summary of the answers of the CAD vendors for the support of the STEP AP 242 benchmark N°1 DRAFT
Summary of the answers of the PDM vendors/integrators for the support of the STEP AP 242 benchmark N°1 DRAFT
Preparation of Afnet – ProSTEP iViP STEP AP 242 benchmark Setting up of the technical team Organization of a meeting on the 14th of Oct. 2014 to finalize the agenda of the kick off conference call of the STEP AP 242 benchmark Kick off confcal of the benchmark: 14th of Nov. 2014 Start of the benchmark N°1 in April 2015 Location of the software to be tested: Germany: ProSTEP iViP: Darmstadt, Afnet: Paris, in relationship with the SIP project Preparation of the benchmark from October 2014 to March 2015