Integrating 2nd and 3rd Wave CBT using Metaphors and Imagery Aharoni, R., Jørgensen, N.K, Rosenberg, N. & Winding, C.
The gap between theory and practice More clinicians are trained in both 2nd and 3rd wave CBT: ACT, DBT, UP Disagreement about whether 2nd and 3rd wave can be integrated in a meaningful way
Some claim that meaningful integration is possible Linehan, Barlow, Hayes Incorporating mindfulness training Focus on acceptance rather than change The Gap Barlow, 2011. Linehan, 2014, Hayes, 2005
Others claim they cannot (e.g. Wells, A.) The Gap either you engage with your thoughts about the moment being unpleasant, or you don’t… Wells, 2013
The clinicians’ dilemma The Gap May I implement new techniques in practice? How should I implement them? Should I wait for an RCT study before I implement them?
Psychiatric Center Copenhagen Group therapy for OCD patients 2 groups 14 patients 1 missing data 3 dropouts
Which techniques did we use? 2nd wave 3rd wave Goals and problem list Values Psychoeducation anxiety and emotions Worry-tree Thought suppression (behavioral experiment) Cognitive Restructuring Exposure Mindfulness Attention training Response prevention Acceptance Metaphor and Imagery
Description: Thoughts, Emotions Body Metaphor and Imagery
Behavior: Rumination and Worry Metaphor and Imagery Worry Tree
Behavior: Thought suppression Avoidance Metaphor and Imagery
Alternative behavior: Back to the present moment Metaphor and Imagery
exposure & response prevention “But how to let go..?” exposure & response prevention Attention training Acceptance Mindfulness training “Letting go” Metaphor and Imagery
Cognitive restructuring Arrow down technique Metaphor and Imagery Diffusion Acceptance
Results Results Patients and therapist find these images and metaphors meaningful Patients can distinguish between the interventions Different patients find different interventions most useful in different situations
Symptom Check List - 90 Results N= Pre Mean (SD) Post p = t= Under case Obsessive Compulsive Symptoms (range 0-4; 4= max severity) 10 1,86 (0,75) 0,91 (0,31) 0.004 3,79 90% Anxiety Symptoms 1,75 (,94) 0,87 (0,47) 0.011 3,18 80% Results
Conclusion Conclusion Integrating 2nd and 3rd wave CBT does not seem to result in confusion among patients The results suggest that 2nd and 3rd wave CBT can be integrated in a meaningful way and show compatible results with previous studies