Sully information Director = Clint Eastwood Actors: Tom Hanks, Aaron Eckhart, Vallerie Mahaffey Genre = Biography, Drama Storyline: On Thursday, January 15th, 2009, the world witnessed the "Miracle on the Hudson" when Captain Chelsey Sullenberger, nicknamed "Sully", glided his disabled plane onto the frigid waters of the Hudson River, saving the lives of all 155 aboard. However, even as Sully was being heralded by the public and the media for his unprecedented feat of aviation skill, an investigation was unfolding that threatened to destroy his reputation and career.
Distributer : Warner Bros Production company: Warner Bros Release date: 2ND December 2016 (UK) First shown in USA on the 2nd December at the Telluride film festival, then on the 6th December it premiered in New York. It was released on the 9th September in USA.
Box Office Audience Budget : $60 million Opening weekend: $35,028,301 million (USA) US total gross: 125,070,033 million Total worldwide gross: $338,466,791 million DVD release date: 20th December 2016 Audience The event took place in 2009 and many people remember this, It could appeal to a wide audience as people want to know the story behind the event. Mostly this film though would interest older people due to the biography/documentary style, as this appeals to older people most of the time.
Star publicity Tom hanks – He is a massive actor, been in films such as Forest gump, Philadelphia, saving private Ryan. All these films are pretty big, he is very widely known and probably contributed to the films success. His name raised the profile of the film, and made it what it was really because his performance in the film was great. Aaron Eckhart – He is a pretty big actor who has played quite a few secondary roles in big films, Such as The dark knight and battel of Los Angeles. He is pretty well known for his roles along side big actors. This film is no exception when he plays along side Tom hanks. Other cast: - Valerie mahaffey - Delphi Harrington
Sully Trailer Sully Merchandise Sully Merchandise Sully is a well known story, so there's actually quite a lot of merchandise surrounding sully. I was surprised when I searched it how much came up. However merchandise surrounding the film is limited, it's all about the original story. Then however you could say that this merchandise only exists due to the film as the film made it quote a well known story, as before personally I never heard of the story.
Awards and nominations Sully was nominated for an Oscar for best sound editing. Nominated for best film for grown ups which then shows the target audience. It even won movie of the year, AF1 award. This shows that it did have some success, it actually did quite well considering it's original lack of interest.