The Rise of Fascism in Italy A totalitarian form of government Glorifies the state (cult state of worship) Has one leader and one party All aspects of society are controlled by the government No opposition or protests are tolerated Propaganda and censorship are widely practiced Benito Mussolini came to power in 1922 and helped found the political ideology of fascism. He sided with the Axis powers in 1940. The name Fascism comes from the Latin word fasces. In ancient Roman, the fasces were cylindrical bundles of wooden rods, tied tightly together around an axe. They symbolize unity and power
Voting for Hitler’s party increased as unemployment rates rose In Germany, depression, unemployment and hard times led to a dramatic increase in votes for the Nazi Party. Voting for Hitler’s party increased as unemployment rates rose
Japanese Expansionism In 1931 Japan invaded Manchuria for raw materials. The same year, Japan began to attack China, with full-scale war breaking out in 1937 in the Sino-Japanese War. In 1938, war broke out between Japan and the Soviet Union in what were known as the Soviet-Japanese Border Wars.
A Battle for Germany: Nazi anti-communist book from 1933 Anti-Communism Under communism, all means of production are controlled by the government, as are property, the media, and all other aspects of society. The 1930s saw the rise of many totalitarian regimes; but most people chose fascism over communism. Hitler exploited people’s fear of a communist takeover in Germany to rise to power in 1933. A Battle for Germany: Nazi anti-communist book from 1933
Appeasement The act of giving in to an enemy’s demands in hopes of avoiding further conflict. In 1938, Hitler demanded that Czechoslovakia cede the Sudetenland to Germany. He claimed that the German population living there was being mistreated. The British and French prime ministers agreed to Hitler’s demands without consulting Czechoslovakian leaders, in the hopes that this would avoid a war in Europe. British P.M. Neville Chamberlain
Militarism (National Security) Strengthening of a nation’s military and stockpiling of weapons in preparation for war. Glorification of war is incorporated into all levels of society, including education of the nation’s youth. Hitler Youth group
Nationalism Nationalism is the belief in the superiority of one’s own nation over all others. Hitler, Mussolini, and Japan’s Tojo each touted their nation’s ability to dominate all others in the years leading up to WWII.
American Isolationism The U.S. was in a major depression throughout the 1930s and was mostly concerned with its own problems. Conflict in Europe seemed distant, and the U.S. tried to remain neutral. This policy weakened the European democracies.
THE ALLIED POWERS IN WWII India Brazil These are the nations that had a substantial number of soldiers involved in the fighting. THE ALLIED POWERS IN WWII
Progression of Nazi Domination in Europe during WWII and the subsequent fall
Benito Mussolini (1883-1945) Mussolini had a talent for moving crowds of people with his powerful speeches and for manipulating public opinion. Mussolini established an organization that: Advocated aggressive nationalism Opposed the Communists and Socialists Dressed in black shirts In 1921 he was elected to parliament and the National Fascist Party was officially organized. “Il Duce”
Lateran Treaty Conflict between church and state was ended by the Lateran Treaty (1929) which stated that: Roman Catholicism was the only state religion of Italy Vatican City was fully sovereign and independent.
Anti-Semitism Fascism often encouraged social distrust and hatred for Jews.
Escape to Switzerland In the spring of 1945, the German control of northern Italy collapsed. Mussolini fled with his mistress Clara Petacci and a few other followers, heading to Switzerland. The Italian underground captured them during there escape and gave them a quick trial.
Mussolini Shot Both Mussolini and Petacci were shot and hung by their heels in front of a garage for all to see. All through the day, in raw display of hatred, men and women jeered and spit on the mutilated bodies. Finally, Allied soldiers removed the bodies at night.