Career Pathways For All Students Presented by : James Lewis Career & Technical Education Advisor Pennsylvania Department of Education Bureau of Career & Technical Education Fifth Annual National Career Cluster Institute PA Pathways Ballroom E-F, 2:20 to 3:20 PM June 12, 2007
Graduates need to be fully prepared to compete in a global economy Need to increase the rigor and relevance of instruction Need to streamline student pathways to postsecondary & career success
Career pathways help students plan their future Students who experience education as a tool to build their future are likely to make the most of it Effective learning communities release well-prepared graduates into the workforce
PA Career Education & Work Standards Standards lay out the knowledge & skills students need to achieve career success Students of all ages must maintain & practice these skills: Career awareness & preparation Career acquisition Career retention & advancement Entrepreneurship
How can schools implement the Career Education & Work Standards ? Implement standards with existing disciplines Implement stand-alone courses Resources
Mobilizing guidance for college & career planning Institute career pathways for all students Establish career academies for all students Implement peer student mentoring & teacher advising Develop business & higher education partnerships Facilitate educators in the workplace internships Source : College & Career Counseling Program Grant (PDE-2006)
Career plan of study 16 National Career Clusters 81 National Career Pathways Source: & PA’s high priority occupations Source:
PA’s high priority occupations Definition: High priority occupations are defined as job categories that are in demand by employers, have higher skill needs, and are most likely to provide family sustaining wages. Source: PA Dept. of Labor & Industry
Career pathways at their best Include industry-recognized foundation knowledge and skills in each cluster curriculum Meet and support Commonwealth academic standards & grade-level expectations Provide direct support to students in developing career &educational plans Provide opportunities for students to earn college credit while still in high school Align with postsecondary programs of study
Career pathways at their best ( cont.) Provide opportunities for out-of-school, hands-on learning experiences Provide employment & entrepreneurial opportunities in chosen career clusters at multiple exits points Maintain an ongoing dialogue among secondary, postsecondary & business partners Reflect the economic development plans of the local and Commonwealth communities
Who wins with PA Career Pathways? Career pathways will help educators teach, students succeed, business compete, & Pennsylvania thrive in the 21st Century. Students win Educators win Parents win Employers win Communities win
Local career pathways practices Lancaster School District Secondary to postsecondary seamless transitions Lehigh County York County School of Technology Workforce Investment Board Youth Council
Career Pathways Systemic Framework Institutional & Instructional Transformation Student Supports & Tools Partnership Driven Employer involvement Continuous Improvement Sustainability Source: League for Innovation in the Community College ( 2007)