Warm Springs Middle School 7th grade Language Arts and Science Mr. Rodriguez
Classroom Behavior I expect that the students: come prepared (paper, pencils, pens, notebooks, silent reading book) to participate in class lessons/discussions and pay attention! be organized: student work should be neat and done according to the directions. Do their own work.
Grading Policies Absent Work: Students have the number of days absent to make up assignments. It is the students’ responsibility to get his/her make-up work! Please contact me regarding absences. Late work will be accepted but possibly penalized 10% for each day it is late.
Reading Homework Students will be required to read for homework An average of 50 pages per week or about 7 pages per day. This should average to two grade level AR tests per month or one book every 2 weeks. At the end of December they should have 6 books read.
Writing Summary of Reading Response to Literature Expository Writing
Science Ch 1 Studying life Ch 2 Living Things Ch 5 Cell Structure and Function Ch 6 Cell Processes Ch 7 The Microscopic World Ch 11 Evolution –Just know it. You don’t have to buy it. Ch 12 Earth History Ch 15 Animals
Lab Marble Launcher Brine shrimp Cow Eye Frogs Microscope Classroom participation is part of lab
Contact Me Email is the easiest way to contact me Webpage my email address is posted mrodriguez@murrieta.k12.ca.us Call and leave a message (951) 696-3503 x8102
Grades Online ABI is an on-line service that allows you to see your child’s grades, performance, and homework assignments at any time. Grades are updated daily/weekly.
Please contact me with any questions and/or concerns at any time Please contact me with any questions and/or concerns at any time. mrodriguez@murrieta.k12.ca.us phone: (951) 696-3503 X8102