What is Anthropology?
What is Anthropology?
What is Anthropology?
What is Anthropology?
What is Anthropology? The study of people. Culture: A set of beliefs, practices, and things produced and maintained by a particular society. The study of people and their cultural systems.
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What is Anthropology?
Four-fields Humanity (culture) Cultural Biological/Physical Linguistic Archaeological
Four-Fields Biological/physical anthropologist: How did human evolution lead the capacity for higher education learning, and how does this form of education direct human evolution? Cultural: How does this learning format compare with forms of learning in other cultural contexts? Is it potentially the most useful way to learn? Why does it make sense within this cultural context? Linguistic: How is language applied within the learning context? Archaeology: What is the relationship between the structures we build to learn and the kind of education we experience? How have these changed over time?
What is Anthropology? A holistic (think “whole”) discipline.
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