Intro to Computers March 9 - 13, 2014
Monday March 9, 2015 Warm-Up: Objectives: Today: What do you already know about Microsoft Excel? Objectives: Students will apply proper typing technique as they learn to type the alphabetic keyboard. Today: 15 mins Microtype Lesson 1-2 (backspace ok) Lesson 3-20 (-1 pt every backspace) If done with all 20, go on to “Numeric Keyboarding” SAMs New Login!
Tuesday March 10, 2015 Today: Warm-Up: Objectives: SAMs How many worksheets are found in an MS Excel Workbook? Objectives: Define the terms spreadsheet and worksheet. Identify the parts of a worksheet. Move the active cell in a worksheet Edit and replace data in cells Today: 15 mins Microtype Lesson 3-20 (-1 pt every backspace) If done with all 20, go on to “Numeric Keyboarding” Alphabetic Keyboarding Lesson 1-20 DUE FRIDAY! SAMs Complete Training 1 (21 tasks)
Wednesday March 11, 2015 Objectives: Warm-Up: SAMs What tab is the magnification/zoom option located on in a worksheet? Objectives: Define the terms spreadsheet and worksheet. Identify the parts of a worksheet. Move the active cell in a worksheet Edit and replace data in cells Today: 15 mins Microtype Lesson 1-2 (backspace ok) Lesson 3-20 (-1 pt every backspace) Alpha Lessons 1-20 due FRIDAY! SAMs EXCEL LESSON 1 EXAM! Project 1
Thursday March 12, 2015 Warm-Up: Objectives: List an instance where you would use the Find and Replace command. Objectives: Change columm widths and row heights. Position data within a cell by aligning, wrapping, rotating, and indenting. Change the appearance of cells using fonts, font sizes, font styles, colors, and borders. Today: 15 mins Microtype Alphabetic Keyboarding 1-20 due FRIDAY! SAMS Explain Grading Lesson 2 Training Lesson 2 Exam Lesson 2 Project
Friday March 13, 2015 Warm-Up: To select non-adjacent cells (cells that are not touching) what key on the keyboard do you hold down while simultaneously clicking your mouse? Objectives: Change columm widths and row heights. Position data within a cell by aligning, wrapping, rotating, and indenting. Change the appearance of cells using fonts, font sizes, font styles, colors, and borders. Today: 15 mins Microtype Alphabetic Keyboarding 1-20 due TODAY! SAMS Lesson 2 Training Lesson 2 Exam Lesson 2 Project