CORE KARES Lesson Monday Review P.R.I.D.E. Matrix Self-reflect
TEACHER DIRECTIONS Review the PBIS PRIDE Matrix with your students. They should have a copy from the beginning of the year. If not, there is a copy on the lesson plan link. Next, pass out the handout P.R.I.D.E. Matrix Personal Assessment. Go over the directions and give students time to complete it independently. Once most/all have finished, have students discuss their answers with their partner/group. After a couple of minutes, randomly ask students to share their answers for part 1. Next, take volunteers to share what they wrote for part 2. If time allows, have them share their answers for the second page. This could be a great discussion. The objective here is for students to reflect upon the PBIS PRIDE Matrix to feel accomplishment in areas where they excel and to recognize any areas they may still need to work on.
Review P.R.I.D.E. Matrix Principled Respectful Integrity Do the Right Thing! Excellence
Now that you have the P. R. I. D Now that you have the P.R.I.D.E Matrix personal assessment in front of you, take time to assess yourself. Which skills do you excel in? Which areas do you need to work on? Take 10-15 minutes and independently work on the handout.
Discuss with your partner/group what you wrote on the first page Be prepared to share what you wrote with the class