Environmental Issues Period 7-8A Chemistry 2 2009
Carbon Cycle 6C2O + H2O + LIGHT --> C6H12O6 + O2 + ENERGY The Carbon Cycle replaces the carbon in our atmosphere with oxygen Humans use to much fossil fuel, putting carbon in the atmosphere The Carbon Cycle helps take out carbon We can maintain the Carbon Cycle by stop the deforestation and also by cutting down on the use of fossil fuel. 6C2O + H2O + LIGHT --> C6H12O6 + O2 + ENERGY
Carbon Dioxide Cycle 6CO2 + 6H2O C6H12O6 +6O2 We would not like to contain the carbon dioxide cycle. Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and water. Becomes a part of the food chain. Not harmful unless in your blood Maintained by no influence form human actions. Stopped by fossil fuels and clearing forests. Effects: Earth’s Temperature change Amount of released CO2 increased by gathering people Decreased human population Troposphere affected mostly because it contains most of the air we breathe. CO2 is released into the air and it has an effect on the air. The released CO2 is not likely to reach to the Thermosphere, which is the highest layer of the atmosphere and since it’s far away, released CO2 doesn’t reach up to there. 6CO2 + 6H2O C6H12O6 +6O2
Global Warming/Climate Change Global Warming relates to the heating of the earth due to trapped greenhouse gases by the atmosphere. This is a natural process which helps the earth stay heated and trap the suns rays, but an excess of greenhouse gases may cause severe damage to our planet. Carbons are the main component in greenhouse gases that cause the planet to overheat. The environment can be severely damaged by this effect causing melting ice caps, flooding, extreme weather conditions, destroyed eco-systems, etc. Go green and conserve energy as much as possible to help reserve burning fossil fuels. Mike Zimmerman Melissa Cubert Jackie Rodriguez
Acid Rain How can we maintain it? -reduce emissions from fossil-fueled power plants because fuel combustion is the largest contributor to SO2 emissions Acid rain is… -fog, sleet, snow, or rain with a pH lower than 5.6 -Sulfur and Nitrogen Oxides react with water vapor to produce acid rain. CO2 (g) + H2O (l) ↔ H2CO3 (aq) 2NO2(aq)+H2O(l) ↔ H2NO3(aq)+HNO2(aq) SO2(g)+H2O(l) ↔ H2SO3 (aq) SO3(g)+H2O(l) ↔ H2SO4(aq) Which layer of the atmosphere is affected by it? -Troposphere (the layer closest to the Earth's surface where clouds and weather are located) What does it do to the environment? -causes acidification of lakes and streams, which kills fish eggs and other aquatic life -causes buildings and monuments to wear away -damages plants by leaching minerals from the soil What can it do to humans? -damage lungs -headaches -dry coughs -liver problems -asthma The molecules include: Carbon Dioxide, Sulfur Dioxide, Sulfur Trioxide, and Nitrogen Dioxide.
A combination of smoke and fog; specific hazardous air pollutant that may be present in air. smog: Molecules involved include: CO, Pb, NOx, VOCs, PM10, and SO2 We can decrease smog by limiting the production that produces smog. For example, auto smog, barbeque, and house paint. Or biking to places, and by looking for new fuels that produce less smog. Smog is dangerous because it traps ozone on the ground. In 1952, in England, 4000 deaths occurred from it. It can cause cancer in the longs. Smog can effect the environment because it has an unpleasant smell and looks unsightly. It can corrode building and machines will stunt growth of crops, and it weakens livestock. It can also cause Bronchitis, asthma, lung cancer, and can lead to death. The Troposphere, which is commonly referred to as the “ground-level ozone”, is where smog largely remains. Photochemical smog equation: Hydrocarbon + sunlight + O2 + CO + NOx ---> NOx + organic compounds + CO2 + H20
Ozone Layer/CFCs 2O+ 2O22O3 *Shields humans and other life from harmful ultraviolet light from the sun. *Causes non-melanoma skin cancer, malignant melanoma development, and cataracts, plant growth is decreased. *It has green house gases, which play a role in the climate. *Compounds containing C-H bonds are designed to replace the function of CFCs, a huge contributor of the break down of the earth’s ozone layer. *Stratosphere UV light and Oxygen
Pollutants of the Air Air pollutants destroy our planet and harm our atmosphere. Air pollutants are unstoppable because they come with air. Air pollution is harmful because it can cause inflammation of the airways and in extreme cases, death. A simple way to help lower air pollution is to ride a bike or walk instead of driving. SO2 + O2 -> SO3 H2O + SO3 -> SO4^-2