Introduction to the Dutch Education System By Saira Mohammad
The Dutch Education System
Vocational Education
Overview of the system
How is our education financed? All schools, public and independent, are funded on an equal basis A minimum of 260 students, licensed teachers, and a school plan Large degree of school choice in the Netherlands Two-thirds of government-funded schools are independent Independent schools are either religiously or philosophically/pedagogically affiliated Up to the age of sixteen school is free of charge Teacher salaries are fixed (starts around 2400 – 4400 x 14)
U.S. spends more per student (2007, in equivalent USD converted using PPPs for GDP, by level of education, public institutions only) Source:OECD
School Management & Organization Unified in Ministry of Education, Culture and Science impacting all localities School administration and management is decentralized Authority over schools is held at the municipal level School boards govern groups of schools The ministry gives school funding to the school boards (lump sum)
Our school The Dutch initials ROCvA stand for the "Amsterdam Regional Community College". Established at the initiative of local and national government in 1997. Schools in Amsterdam and the nearby townships of Amstelveen, Hoofddorp and Hilversum Approximately 3200 teachers Approximately 36.000 students Approximately 350 courses
The building
Impression of my school
My way of teaching English 21st century skills BYOD Project based Example project: Example result Example of an assessment Letters Exchange program: