Even though water on Earth never leaves, we need to be careful with the H2O we have.
Some amazing pie charts!
Make 3 different sized circles in your notes. THE TOP CIRCLE SHOULD BE BIGGEST. Below that, a smaller circle… Below that, a smallest circle…
Sort of like this.
Water on Earth.
What percent of our planet is covered in water?
Make this your FIRST big pie chart. Don’t forget to label your pie chart!
See anything wrong with these percents?
should be a decimal points.
Distribute large graduated cylinders. What do these cylinders measure? area depth volume mass
Distribute large graduated cylinders. What do these cylinders measure? area depth volume mass
Fill the cylinder up to 970 mL. How close are we to filling the cylinder to 1000 mL? 970% 97% 9.7% .97%
Fill the cylinder up to 970 mL. How close are we to filling the cylinder to 1000 mL? 970% 97% 9.7% .97%
What am I contaminating (ruining) your water with? Sugar (C6H12O6) Salt (NaCl)
What am I contaminating (ruining) your water with? Sugar (C6H12O6) Salt (NaCl)
Of all this water that covers 70.9% of Earth, 97% is mixed with SALT
Do your 2nd pie chart now 97% salt water
What % of Earth’s water is FRESH water? 97% salt water
What % of Earth’s water is FRESH water? 2% +1%= 3% 97% salt water
Only 3% of Earth’s total water is FRESH water? 2+1= 3% 97% salt water
But WHY is most of this 3% freshwater UNAVAILABLE for us to use? 97% salt water
illustrate with cylinders…
Freshwater ICE/GLACIERS But WHY is 2/3rds of this tiny amount of freshwater UNAVAILBLE for us to use? Freshwater ICE/GLACIERS at POLES--UNAVAILBLE! 97% salt water
So how much of all Earth’s water is available for us to use? get tiny graduated cylinders…
<1% freshwater, available for us. What % of Earth’s water is available for US to drink & agriculture (farms)? <1%!!!!! <1% freshwater, available for us.
It’s LESS than 1% because of Pollution…
Hard water has too much Ca & Mg!
Let’s break down Earth’s precious 3% freshwater in our 3rd pie chart.
What percent of total freshwater is FROZEN at the poles?
Do all of us get most of our freshwater from lakes or groundwater?
Do all of us get most of OUR freshwater from lakes or groundwater?
clean-up cylinders….finish pie charts for NOTEBOOK CHECK!!!
ticket out the door
1. Is there more freshwater than salt water?
1. Is there more freshwater than SALT WATER?
2. Is most our freshwater solid, liquid or gas?
2. Is most our freshwater SOLID, liquid or gas? It’s ICE ICE baby! It’s SOLID!!!!
3. Do we get more freshwater from lakes or wells? careful…
3. Do we get more freshwater from lakes or wells? careful…
How lucky are we to be living near so much surface freshwater?
4. Is there more freshwater in rivers or our air? tiered Q…
4. Is there more freshwater in rivers or our AIR? Our atmosphere is over a mile thick and very humid in some places. Rivers are thin hairline crevasses on Earth’s 30% crust where water flows very quickly from mountains out to salty sea!
What’s missing?
Does this check out?
STOP! Do next slide after doing mineral lab!
Do next when we get to cells!