‘Choose to be a well being’ Slide 1
Term 3 Wellbeing Revision WALT: Revise the wellbeing SPECS WILF: I can understand the difference aspects of wellbeing 5 ways to smile Slide 2 Read WALT and WILF Watch video and think about which of the ‘SPECS’ were referred to. What are the words we use now?
REVISING THE SPECS S – P – E – C – Over the last term we have looked at each segment of our pie. S – P – E – C – Think, pair, share about Oakhill Drive’s Wellbeing Pie and all the ingredients required to create the best (wellbeing) pie for ourselves.
REVISING THE SPECS Over the next 2 lessons, we will be: Revising each of the SPECS slices Adding our ingredients to each slice Creating a list of some other ingredients we could add over time.
REVISING THE S & P The first 2 slices we will look at will be Social and Physical
Time to make your pie! Think about all the ingredients you are currently using in your SOCIAL slice of pie. In your groups, discuss the ingredients you may already have in your wellbeing pie. Add the ingredients you are already using to your blank social slice of your wellbeing pie chart. Teachers please hand out the sheets. Students to complete social slice ONLY
Time to make your pie! In your groups, discuss the importance of social wellbeing. How does social wellbeing impact your overall wellbeing? Share your ingredients with your group (it’s okay if you all have different ingredients). On the outside of the pie add some ingredients that you want to start adding to your own pie to improve your social wellbeing. You might use the ideas from your discussions. While you are reflecting and adding ingredients to your SOCIAL slice, listen quietly to You've got a friend in me.
Time to make your pie! Think about all the ingredients you are currently using in your PHYSICAL slice of pie. In your groups, discuss the ingredients you may already have in your wellbeing pie. Add the ingredients you are already using to your blank social slice of your wellbeing pie chart. Students to complete physical slice ONLY
Time to make your pie! In your groups, discuss the importance of physical wellbeing. How does physical wellbeing impact your overall wellbeing? Share your ingredients with your group (it’s okay if you all have different ingredients). On the outside of the pie add some ingredients that you want to start adding to your own pie to improve your social wellbeing. You might use the ideas from your discussions. While you are reflecting and adding ingredients to the PHYSICAL slice, listen quietly to I like to MOVE IT!
Now, you have filled in the SOCIAL and PHYSICAL slices of your wellbeing pie. Next week we will look at the spECS What a wonderful kind of day
SPECS Wellbeing Pie Every slice of a pie is important to make a complete meal. What ingredients do you have in each slice of your wellbeing pie? Every aspect of wellbeing is important to make us feel complete and well. What ingredients do you need to add to each slice of your pie?