Bandura: Original Study
Let’s Talk about Key points in the study: You will be assigned one of the section below and will have 5 minutes to write down everything that you can remember on the sheet of paper provided. Aims: Including Hypothesis Procedure: Sample and Controls used in the Study, Modelling Phase, Arousal phase , Observation Phase (including how/what data was collected) key results and key conclusions
Bandura: Variation Study End goal - Evaluate Bandura’s (1965) Bobo doll experiment with vicarious reinforcement (8)
In groups Draw a diagram to represent the study. Be sure that your diagram describes the study fully. You can use pictures and/or words to display your ideas.
Homework Read and take notes on: What are phobias? Types of phobias. Acquiring a phobia Maintenance of a phobia Evaluation of how the Learning Theories explain the acquisition and maintenance of phobias. Use: The Maintenance and Phobia handout on the learning Space to make these notes.