PROJECT Two Bibliography entries on separate paper place on back of poster Last, First Middle. “Article Title.” Website Title. Website Publishers. Date Month Year Published. Web. Date Month Year Accessed. Example Cherry, Kendra. “Branches of Psychology: Overview of the Major Branches of Psychology.” Verywell. About, Inc., 27 April 2016. Web. 16 September 2016. <> Your name on back of poster
WHAT IS PSYCHOLOGY Areas of Psychology Psychology is a broad and diverse field. A number of different subfields and specialty areas have emerged. The following are some of the major areas of research and application within psychology:
WHAT IS PSYCHOLOGY Areas of Psychology 1) Abnormal Psychology is the study of abnormal behavior and psychopathology (or mental disorders). This specialty area is focused on research and treatment of a variety of mental disorders and is linked to psychotherapy and clinical psychology. Major depressive disorder Bipolar disorders Schizophrenia Borderline personality disorder Eating disorders Phobias Pyromania
WHAT IS PSYCHOLOGY Areas of Psychology 2) Biological Psychology, also known as biopsychology , studies how biological processes influence the mind and behavior. This area is closely linked to neuroscience and utilizes tools such as MRI and PET (positron emission tomography) scans to look at brain injury or brain abnormalities. Study of physiological, genetic, and developmental mechanisms of behavior in humans and other animals Sensation and perception Control of movement Learning and memory Sleep and biological rhythms Emotion Reasoning and decision making
WHAT IS PSYCHOLOGY Biological Psychology Areas of Psychology Medical disorders Parkinson’s disease Huntington’s disease Alzheimer’s disease Schizophrenia Autism
WHAT IS PSYCHOLOGY Areas of Psychology 3) Clinical Psychology is focused on the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders. It is also considered the largest employment area within psychology. Child and adolescent Family and relationship counseling Forensic School Specific disorders (addiction, sleeping, eating, depression, anxiety) Sport Assessments (personality tests, intelligence and achievement tests)
WHAT IS PSYCHOLOGY Areas of Psychology 4) Cognitive Psychology is the study of human thought processes and cognitions. Cognitive psychologists study topics such as attention, memory, perception, decision-making, problem-solving and language acquisition.
WHAT IS PSYCHOLOGY Areas of Psychology 5) Comparative Psychology is the branch of psychology concerned with the study of animal behavior. This type of research can lead to a deeper and broader understanding of human psychology. Anthrozoology Effect of animals on humans Animal psychopathology Disorders of animal behavior Animal cognition
WHAT IS PSYCHOLOGY Areas of Psychology 6) Developmental Psychology is an area that looks at human growth and development over the lifespan. Theories often focus on the development of cognitive abilities, morality, social functioning, identity and other life areas. Nature vs. nurture studies Physical development Memory development Early childhood
WHAT IS PSYCHOLOGY Areas of Psychology 7) Forensic Psychology is an applied field focused on using psychological research and principles in the legal and criminal justice system.
Consultant to law enforcement Correctional psychologist Evaluator Expert witness
WHAT IS PSYCHOLOGY Areas of Psychology 8) Industrial-Organizational Psychology is a field that uses psychological research to enhance work performance, select employee, improve product design and enhance usability.
WHAT IS PSYCHOLOGY Areas of Psychology 9) Personality Psychology looks at the various elements that make up individual personalities. Well-known personality theories include Freud’s structural model of personality and the “Big Five” theory of personality.
Personality Psychology Nature vs. Nurture Nature – natural; untaught; instinctive Self-defense Nurture – from the environment or surrounding Broken Window Theory
Personality Psychology Optimist vs. Pessimist
Personality Psychology Introvert vs. Extrovert Introvert Extrovert
WHAT IS PSYCHOLOGY Areas of Psychology 10) School Psychology is the branch of psychology that works within the educational system to help children with emotional, social and academic issues.
WHAT IS PSYCHOLOGY Areas of Psychology 11) Social Psychology is a discipline that uses scientific methods to study social influence, social perception and social interaction. Social psychology studies diverse subjects including group behavior, social perception, leadership, nonverbal behavior, conformity, aggression and prejudice.
PROJECT “Areas of Psychology” “[specific area]” Description including topics of study Notable psychologist in that field Short paragraph biography Famous research in area (supported by data (charts, diagrams…)) Type of work in area 3 pictures (one in middle) relevant to area - 2 of which must be explained in a caption
Description of Personality Psychology AREAS OF PSYCHOLOGY Personality Type of work in area Description of Personality Psychology Research and Stats
Description of Personality Psychology 1 AREAS OF PSYCHOLOGY 2 Personality Type of work in area Description of Personality Psychology 3 7a 6 5 4 Research and Stats 7b 7c