Peer Observation and Review of Teaching Debrief Session
ACU PORT Program - Debrief Session Meet with your PEER in a comfortable place and talk about the experience (a coffee shop is a good place). Include in your discussion; How do think/feel it went? From both the teacher and observer perspective. Is there anything generally or specifically that you noticed? From both the teacher and observer perspective. How do we improve PORT? ACU PORT Program - Debrief Session
ACU PORT Program - Debrief Session Reflection How can I use what I have learned to improve my teaching? What might I do differently next time? What will I need in order to make effective changes? (preparation, materials, AV & other support) ACU PORT Program - Debrief Session
ACU PORT Program - Debrief Session Discussion Discuss the above topics with your PEER. See if they can suggest ways you may be able to improve your teaching if that was the outcome. Invite feedback from students regularly to discuss the level of understanding of the classes and other materials involved in the subject teaching & learning strategy ACU PORT Program - Debrief Session
ACU PORT Program - Debrief Session Resources Do I need resources to effect change? Try and identify what you need. Audio-visual materials Time to properly create great lesson plans Clearly defined intended learning outcomes, activities and assessment Access to the LMS to store additional but useful material Talk with you LTC representative to help ACU PORT Program - Debrief Session
Other resources that may be considered ePolling to facilitate mini-quizzes in class Collaborative teaching spaces that allow for group discussions and more interactive teaching and learning Time and staff to implement formative assessment tasks ACU PORT Program - Debrief Session
ACU PORT Program - Debrief Session Review 8. Who can I ask to review those changes before implementation as a checking mechanism? ACU staff member/colleague Students Academic in my discipline area Member of the University Learning & Teaching Centre ACU PORT Program - Debrief Session
How can we help improve PORT? Should we pursue inter-school observation? Should we pursue external peer observation and review? Is the process manageable? Is there enough supporting information? ACU PORT Program - Debrief Session
Thanks for participating in PORT Should you require any further information or resources Please contact Ask for any final questions Thank everyone for participating and hope they got something out of the process ACU PORT Program - Debrief Session