Starter … subtitle
Learning Objectives Must: Be able to define the term “Packaging” Should: Be able to explain what is required on a piece of packaging Could: Be able to evaluate existing packaging designs
Packaging The physical container or wrapping of a product, which is also used for promotion and selling appeal
Packaging Packaging is closely linked to the Brand of a product Labels are used to promote the brand name and slogan Labels and paper packaging are also used to advertise other promotions such as price cuts and special offers
Packaging Labels and Packaging must also contain information required by law, such as: The ingredients of tinned foods The bar code
The Design of Packaging Packaging design is used to give the product a new look, changes can be made to: The Container, such as changing its size or shape The packaging material such as using plastic instead of paper The design on the packaging, for example, altering the lettering or the colour of the words or label
Example Snack Packaging Write down 3 things you don’t like about the packaging for Nutrigrain Elevenses Write down 3 things you like about the packaging for Nutrigrain Elevenses
Individual Task Each member of the team must design a piece of packaging for your product You must consider: The colours of your packaging – do they relate to the product? You must leave a space for your ingredients You must include a bar code Will you have any offers on your packaging?
Team Task Put all of your designs in the centre of the table so that they are visible to all team members Each team member should write down 3 things they like about each persons design and 1 thing they do not like (you must say how you think the design could have been improved) As a group you must decide which of the designs you wish to present to Sir Alan Sugar
Homework Find an example piece of packaging for a product of your choice. Evaluate this packaging: How does it relate to the product? Is the label visible? Are there any offers on it What is good about the packaging? What could be improved about the packaging?
Plenary What Enterprise Skills have you used today? What level did you achieve?