DAY 1: The Judicial System CE.10c You will demonstrate knowledge of the judicial system established by the Constitution of Virginia and the Constitution of the United States by comparing and contrasting civil and criminal cases. Today’s question: How are criminal and civil cases similar and different?
DAY 1:The Judicial System You and your partner have formed a defense law firm. You specialize in defending people who have either been sued or accused of a crime. Give yourself a clever name. Design your shingle on a piece of paper (your law firm sign). Now get ready- because you have a whole waiting room of clients. WATCH: Intro Video
DAY 1: The Judicial System Your receptionist has a list of “potential” clients. Choose two clients and “open a file” on these clients using the worksheets provided. Prepare for your initial client interview by answering the questions: What are they accused of? Is it civil or criminal? What are the differences between a civil and criminal case? What procedures are followed in each case? Use this website: Check out this video (abruptly ends): Check out this video:
DAY 2: The Judicial System CE.10a You will demonstrate knowledge of the judicial system established by the Constitution of Virginia and the Constitution of the United States by describing the organization of the US judicial system consisting of state and federal courts with original and appellate jurisdiction. Today’s question: How are federal courts and state courts organized, and what jurisdiction do they each have?
DAY 2: The Judicial System Using the websites provided and your own research, be prepared to advise your clients what court their case will be in and why? Answer these questions on your worksheet: Will their case be in a state or federal court? Why? What does the term “jurisdiction” mean? What jurisdiction does their court have? Will their case be heard by a judge or jury? Use this website:
DAY 3: The Judicial System CE.10b, 10d You will demonstrate knowledge of the judicial system established by the Constitution of Virginia and the Constitution of the United States by (a) explaining how due process protections seek to ensure justice, and (b) describing the exercise of judicial review. Today’s questions: What is judicial review? How do the due process protections ensure justice?
DAY 3: The Judicial System One of your clients asks you whether their case is subject to “judicial review”. Be prepared to explain: What judicial review means What famous court case established the principle of judicial review at the national level. How state laws are affected by the VA and US constitutions. Use this website:
Are you receiving due process of law? Ce10d. What is due process and how do the due process protections ensure justice? Check out this website: definitions-and-differences.html