Bell Work Draw a rough sketch of this page of notes on your paper. FIRST try to label all 7 parts of the Cornell Notes-styled page w/out your notes. THEN check your work with your notes and make any corrections in a different color John Doe 8/20/02 Period 7 Page 1 PENGUINS Ps have flat feet Better to swim with Like swim fins Ps have special blood circulation system Counter current flow Warm blood from heart warms cold blood from feet Prevents freezing Why do Ps have flat feet? What is counter -current flow? Penguins are designed for their cold, ocean habitat. They have flat feet for swimming and counter -current blood flow to stay warm.
LET’S LABEL TOGETHER! DIVIDER HEADING PAGE # TITLE John Doe 8/20/02 Period 7 Page 1 PENGUINS Ps have flat feet Better to swim with Like swim fins Ps have special blood circulation system Counter current flow Warm blood from heart warms cold blood from feet Prevents freezing Why do Ps have flat feet? What is counter -current flow? Penguins are designed for their cold, ocean habitat. They have flat feet for swimming and counter -current blood flow to stay warm. PAGE # TITLE MAIN IDEA / QUESTIONS NOTES SUMMARY
Cornell Notes
large right hand column. What goes where? Questions, subtitles, vocabulary, etc. go here, in the left hand column. Remember, we want higher level critical thinking questions. Don’t forget the heading: Name, Class, Period, Date, Topic Notes go here, in the large right hand column. A 3 to 4 sentence summary down there on the bottom of the last page of notes
Class Notes Topic Questions, Subtitles, Headings, Etc. First & Last Name Class Title Period Date Topic Questions, Subtitles, Headings, Etc. Class Notes The recall column should be completed after you have taken your notes, but before the summary! 2 1/2” 3 to 4 sentence summary across the bottom of the last page of the day’s notes
SUMMARY Summary is added at the end of ALL note pages on the subject (not page) Summary added AFTER questions are finished Summary should answer the problem stated in the subject.
Cornell Notetaking To minimize your “rate of forgetting” Don’t take notes = Forget 60 % in 14 days Take some notes = Remember 60 % Take organized notes and do something with them= Remember 90-100% indefinitely! Why should you take notes?
Understanding How We Learn Our brain’s outer layer (the neocortex) where higher level thinking occurs, has 100 billion brain cells or neurons.
When We Learn Something New: A dendrite, a threadlike branch, grows out of each brain cell (neuron). An axon transmits information from one neuron to another
Learning When one neuron grows close enough to another neuron, a connection is made and information is transferred. Learning = growth and the connecting of neurons.
Practice! If you practice a new skill many times, the axon of the neuron gets coated in a protein called myelin. Thinking can now occur more quickly, & you will remember the skill for a long time.
How We Forget If we only practice a skill once or twice, the connection between neurons is weak. If you do not practice the skill again, the dendrites wither & die. You have forgotten the new skill! Remember: Use it or lose it!
Brain Videos Brain Videos How we learn something How we learn: 6:53-10:15
Economics Use numbers in the left column if you have a list of things!
Computerized Notes May reflect headings in PowerPoint lectures Leave room on the left for questions and diagrams Leave plenty of room within the outline for student note-taking
Tips for Studying with Notes Make use of the format Cover the right side of your notes (fold the page over, if needed) Review and answer study questions from the left (use right side as an answer key) Write out answers Quiz yourself out loud
Tips for Studying with Notes Write! Write summaries of the most important material in the summary/reflection section Write a quiz for others; exchange and correct
Tips for Studying with Notes Review Look over notes frequently to keep information and questions still unanswered fresh in mind 10 – 15 minutes / day will make such a difference! Recite necessary info from notes
Tips for Studying with Notes Study in a Group Exchange notes with others who have complete notes Use notes in study groups to provide a common ground of material for reference and review Rewrite notes if necessary
The Right Study Skills & Attitude Will Pay Off!