From: Retinal Prosthesis Safety: Alterations in Microglia Morphology due to Thermal Damage and Retinal Implant Contact Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci.. 2012;53(12):7802-7812. doi:10.1167/iovs.12-10600 Figure Legend: Quantitative analysis of changes in microglial morphology in baseline, incubation control, and implant contact retinae. Retinae were either fixed immediately (baseline, n = 6), incubated for an hour at body temperature (incubation control, n = 22), or placed in contact with an implant (implant contact, n = 17). Microglia were fluorescently immunolabeled using IbA1, and soma areas were quantitatively assessed in the (A) central and peripheral ganglion cell layer and (B) central and peripheral outer plexiform layer. Microglial arbor areas in the (C) central and peripheral ganglion cell layer and (D) central and peripheral outer plexiform layer were also assessed. There was no difference in microglial morphology between retinae that were immediately fixed and those incubated for 1 hour at body temperature. In contrast, retinae that were placed in contact with an implant had microglia with significantly larger soma area and smaller arbor area than baseline or control retina in all retinal regions. Data are presented as mean ± SEM; asterisk indicates significant difference in soma or arbor area, P < 0.05. Date of download: 10/17/2017 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Copyright © 2017. All rights reserved.