Nationalism, Realpolitik, and Realism SECONDARY - Hinsley - The Decline of Political Liberalism SECONDARY - Holborn - German Unification Nationalism, Realpolitik, and Realism KEY CONCEPT 3.3 The problems of industrialization provoked a range of ideological, governmental, and collective responses. KEY CONCEPT 3.4 European states struggled to maintain international stability in an age of nationalism and revolutions.
Industrialization in Continental Europe 665-672 Spread of Radical Ideas 691-697 Introduction Importance of Nationalism unifications of Italy and Germany defragmenting of Austria-Hungary, Russia, Ottomans Politics of Realpolitik Napoleon III Cavour Bismarck Realists and Social Realities *J. G. Fichte *Grimm Brothers *Giuseppe Mazzini *Pan-Slavists
Napoleon III in France 750-752 Napoleon III, 1852-1870 Establishment of the Second Empire
Napoleon III in France 750-752 Napoleon III, 1852-1870 Economic Progress railroad construction government support of industrialization free-trade legal trade unions public housing
Napoleon III in France 750-752 Napoleon III, 1852-1870 Rebuilding Paris Baron Haussmann
Napoleon III in France 750-752 Napoleon III, 1852-1870 Quest for Glory anti-Concert of Europe Italy, Mexico, colonies
Modernization of Russia and the Ottoman Empire 759-765 Crimean War, 1853-1856 Causes Jerusalem Nicholas I Mediterranean Balkans balance of power / geopolitics War Sevastopol Alexander II Consequences weakens Congress system unresolved tensions Russo-Austrian alliance broken (Napoleon III’s goal) Austria diplomatically isolated Piedmont-Sardinia strengthened Alexander II initiates reforms Florence Nightingale
Modernization of Russia and the Ottoman Empire 759-765 Russia: Reaction and Reform Tsarist Russia in the 1850’s Autocracy Alexander II, 1855-1881 aristocracy / serfs / non-middle class Alexander’s Reforms Emancipation Edict, 1861 zemstvos Alexander’s Death “nihilists” “The People’s Will”
Nation Building in Italy and Germany 752-758 Unification of Italy Situation in 1850 failures: Carbonari Mazzini Young Italy obstacles: Austria – Lombardy / Venetia Bourbons – Kingdom of the Two Sicilies Pope Pius IX Piedmont leadership: Victor Emmanuel II Count Camillo di Cavour
Nation Building in Italy and Germany 752-758 Unification of Italy Cavour and the Practice of Realpolitik Franco-Piedmont Alliance Napoleon III War with Austria, 1859 1861 1859 1860
Nation Building in Italy and Germany 752-758 Unification of Italy Giuseppe Garibaldi and the Red Shirts Kingdom of the Two Sicilies Victor Emmanuel II
Nation Building in Italy and Germany 752-758 Persistent Problems Unification, 1861 Venetia Pope Pius IX regionalism debt *(don’t neglect Italy AFTER unification)
KEY CONCEPT 3.1 Nation Building in Italy and Germany 752-758 The Industrial Revolution spread from Great Britain to the continent, where the state played a greater role in promoting industry. Unification of Germany Situation in 1860 obstacles: German Confederation French foreign policy Prussia’s growing strength population increase Zollverein *Friedrich List’s National System
Nation Building in Italy and Germany 752-758 Otto von Bismarck – Speech Before the Reichstag 431-434 New Otto von Bismarck, Master of Realpolitik, 1862-1890 Wilhelm I “Blood and Iron” “Not through speeches and majority decisions will the great questions of the day be decided—that was the great mistake of 1848 and 1849—but by iron and blood.”
Nation Building in Italy and Germany 752-758 War with Denmark, 1864 Schleswig and Holstein *(focus on consequences, not details of the wars)
Nation Building in Italy and Germany 752-758 War with Austria, 1866 Schleswig and Holstein Seven Weeks’ War dissolution of the German Confederation North German Confederation Italy annexes Venetia
Nation Building in Italy and Germany 752-758 War with France, 1870 Ems Dispatch Kaiser Wilhelm I, 1/18/1871 Alsace and Lorraine balance of power
Nation Building in Italy and Germany 752-758 Making Comparisons: Cavour and Bismarck similarities: realpolitik opportunists differences: strength of military strength of economy
The Responsive National State, 1871-1914 766-773 Austrian Empire Defeat and Discontent War with Piedmont/France Seven Weeks’ War nationalism Dual Monarchy Magyars Continued Slavic Discontent Balkans
The Responsive National State, 1871-1914 766-773 Great Britain: Prosperity and Reform “Workshop of the World” Reform Bill of 1867 Benjamin Disraeli Conservatives (Tories)
KEY CONCEPT 3.6 Science and Thought 741-745 European ideas and culture expressed a tension between objectivity and scientific realism on one hand, and subjectivity and individual expression on the other. Realism in Literature and Art Key Characteristics rejection of Romanticism “heroism of modern life”
Science and Thought 741-745 Leading Realist Authors Charles Dickens – Hard Times Gustave Flaubert – Madame Bovary Henrik Ibsen – A Doll’s House *Honoré de Balzac *George Eliot *Thomas Hardy *Fyodor Dostoevsky *Leo Tolstoy *Émile Zola
Science and Thought 741-745 Leading Realist Artists Gustave Courbet
Science and Thought 741-745 Leading Realist Artists Honore Daumier
Science and Thought 741-745 Leading Realist Artists Jean-Francois Millet