. Integrating principles of sustainability across the University curriculum Janet S. MacFall, Elaine R. Durr, Michael B. Strickland, Peter G. Felten Elon University Background In 2007, Elon University adopted an ambitious Sustainability Master Plan. The Sustainability Faculty Scholars Program was designed to provide resources and training to faculty throughout the University to help integrate principles of sustainability into their courses. Defining Sustainability Our working definition: “Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” World Commission on Env. and Dev., adopted in the Elon Univ. Sustainability Plan Move towards considering sustainability from environmental, political/economic and societal/value centered perspectives Encourage faculty to ask students how they define sustainability Outcomes Revisions to 21 courses with more to come New student assessments with pre- and post-testing Student sustainability games Increased understanding by diverse faculty Faculty requests for training in General Studies Linking classes to Environmental Sustainability Living Learning Community Faculty presentation at AASHE conference Restructuring courses in Leisure Sports Management to incorporate sustainability New course in Environmental Sociology New course in Ecological Art linked to Intro. to Environmental Science Faculty Field Trip p Faculty Participation and Support Faculty applied to participate Selected courses were capped at 25 students Faculty received $1,000 stipends Funds were provided for book purchases 32 faculty participants from 15 departments over 3 years (~10% of full time faculty at Elon) Duke Energy Coal Plant Program Activities and Resources An orientation meeting before the start of Spring semester 3 seminars/workshops, 2 ½ hours each Full day field trip A ½ day workshop at the end of the semester Summer common reading with group discussion 1 day planning retreat just before fall semester Meeting to discuss outcomes at the end of Fall Speakers and informal discussion gatherings for all Scholars Program guide based on Millennium Ecosystem Assessment and relevant literature Blackboard site with links to resources (ex. ESA, MEA, environmental legislation, research papers, IPCC, AASHE, etc.) and publically accessible data sets Proximity Hotel LEED Platinum Course Example Legal and Ethical Considerations in a Business Course Integration of case studies such as Interface Carpet Analysis: Are companies “Walking the Talk”? Sustainability vs. Greenwashing ex. GE’s Ecoimagination, Dow’s Human Element, Wal-Mart sustainable supplier initiatives “Triple Bottom Line” reporting – planet, people, profits Stakeholders vs. Shareholders Critical analysis of sample GRI reports Sustainable investments and Dow Jones Sustainability Index Sustainability as tool for innovation and risk management Special thanks to the Elon Univ. Center for Environmental Studies, the Center for Teaching and Learning, the Office of Sustainability , the Senior Vice President for Business, Finance and Technology and Duke Energy for support of this program.