BalticBOOST Theme 3 WS, Copenhagen, 2-3 June 2016


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Presentation transcript:

BalticBOOST Theme 3 WS, Copenhagen, 2-3 June 2016 BalticBOOST WP 3.1 Development of joint principles to define environmental targets for pressures affecting the seabed habitats Nygård, Korpinen, Hoppe + BalticBOOST 3.1 partners SYKE, IOW, ICES, DTU Aqua, SLU, HELCOM BalticBOOST Theme 3 WS, Copenhagen, 2-3 June 2016

Objective of WP 3.1: Develop joint HELCOM principles and good practices for defining environmental targets for the anthropogenic pressures affecting seabed habitats Tasks: Identify the pressures having a major impact on the seabed habitats in the Baltic Identify the sectorial activities that are linked to the pressures Explore ways to determine how much disturbance the seafloor can tolerate while remaining in GES. Test the relationship between GES and pressures in desk case studies Prepare background documentation and carry out 2 workshops Prepare a final report of the proposed HELCOM principles and good practices for defining environmental targets for the seabed habitats

Approach to tackle the tasks Pressures & activities identified. Discussed at the HELCOM TAPAS Pressure index WS 1-2016 Literature survey to quantify impacts on benthic habitats caused by activities/pressures Case studies to test relations between pressures and GES  how much pressure can habitats tolerate while remaining in GES Based on results from the literature survey and case studies, develop joint guidance for how to set environmental targets

Understanding of environmental targets Environmental targets are set for pressures  targets for how much pressures can be allowed and still remain in GES

Activities, pressures and impacts

Physical loss vs. Physical damage (disturbance) Permanent loss of habitat Temporary loss or damage of habitat Typical pressures: Sealing Abrasion Extraction Smothering Siltation

Factors to take into account when quantifying impacts Activity and pressure Spatial and temporal extent Intensity and frequencyof pressures Habitat type and important features A catalogue, based on scientific literature, has been produced (contains ~270 pressure impacts on habitats/species)

Recommendations from GEAR 13-2016 Look at pressures also from status point of view In the test cases, look for relationships between GES indicators and pressures Consider the applicability at different spatial scales

Guidelines for a common approach to define environmental targets Are marine areas under heavy cumulative impacts? Are there increasing trends of any anthropogenic pressures? Does any MSFD descriptor indicate sub-GES or is there a high risk to that direction? Screening phase Analyze the linkage framework Which human activities are behind the pressure? Which pressures cause the concern? Linkage framework Which benthic elements are impacted? Choose a pressure or activity How much activity or pressure there is in the area? Which biotopes or species are affected by the pressure or activity? Correlate activity-pressure data and GES assessment in the impacted area Link to GES Analysis phase Find tresholds Define environmental targets for human activities or pressures Processing Maximum Allowable Pressure, i.e. how much pressure is allowed and still be in GES

Links to other processes ICES advice on fishery impacts BalticBOOST WP 3.2 Fishing impacts HELCOM TAPAS SEA work BalticBOOST WP 3.1 Environmental targets MSFD environ-mental targets HELCOM TAPAS BSII work COM DEC habitat criterion Core indicator on Benthic impacts STATE OF THE ENVIRONMENT OSPAR common indicator BH3

Thank you!