It was Twenty Years Ago Today, When AB1725 Taught the Band to Play Angelica Bangle – West Valley College Norbert Bischoff – Merritt College Tom Rosdahl – LA Pierce College Chris Hill – Grossmont College Wheeler North – Miramar College 3-5 minutes North AKA a one hour ACCJC style self-study on AB1725 Purpose of breakout is to examine AB1725 after 20 years in an accreditation style self study, the work product may be used to drive future resolutions, breakouts or rostrum
The Inestimable Legacy of AB1725 Follow-up Questions AB1725 Report Card (ACCJC Style) 15-20 minutes
AB1725 – What have we accomplished? What current practices or processes exist today because of AB1725? State level Locally 5-10 minutes CCCCO/SO Advisory committees – Consultation Council, SACC, ETAC, EDPAC, TTAC, etc. Shared legislative advocacy ASCCC Funded as the official voice of faculty Produces process for achieving that voice through sessions, institutes and liaisons Major player in faculty development opportunities Implementing statewide efforts and grants such as CAN, IMPAC, C-ID, BSI, Career Pathways, etc. Locally Governance mandated in accreditation processes All colleges have some formal model for collegial consultation Almost all college have established some version of formal working conditions negotiations agent Most colleges possess a strong cohort of faculty and administrative leadership that endorses and values collegial consultation
AB1725 – What still needs improvement? What isn’t working? What works but has undesirable consequences? How has the governance culture evolved? Is decision-making effective? More? Less? 12-15 minutes Interference tactics Getting on the Board agenda Data quality dynamics Getting faculty to participate in a continuum – staff development Developing new leaders Structural tweaks Funding Planning Accreditation Other external forces
AB1725 – Who does it apply to? In looking at this list of still current issues, who is central to the issue? Is it a statewide issue or a local one? Is it a policy or personality issue? 3-5 minutes Faculty, admin, Board, students staff ASCCC, CCCCIOs, CCLC, SO, Legislation Policies and procedures versus personalities and styles
AB1725 – Solutions? New and Used What would fix or improve each continuing problem area? What will be the consequences of not addressing each problem area? 15 minutes
Final Questions or Comments Thank You 15 minutes