AP EURO Unit #6 – Early 20th Century (The World Wars) New Philosophies of the 20th Century PPT 605
Modern Philosophy Generalize the new thinking… Friedrich Nietzsche Nietzsche – questioned values of society Democracy, progress, even respectability was suffocating Saw Christianity as glorifying weakness “GOD IS DEAD” Georges Sorel – Marxism is a religion; democracy is bad Existentialism – stressed meaninglessness of existence Moral values found in yourself Jean-Paul Sartre Albert Camus (The Stranger) Soren Kierkegaard – impossible to prove God – takes a leap of faith Religion now relevant and meaningful Generalize the new thinking…
New Physics Why will this matter? What’s so exceptional? Discovery: Atom was not a solid – made up of energy Marie Curie – discovered radium consistently emits particles So, weight keeps changing Atoms theorized to be splitable She was first woman to win Nobel Prize for Peace ONLY person to win in two different sciences Albert Einstein – theory of relativity Only light is constant Why will this matter? What’s so exceptional?
Freudian Psychology Sigmund Freud Austrian Belief that you’re born with proclivities First to really consider mental illness Theorized your three personality parts The id the ego the superego Developed Psychoanalysis Discussed development in terms of psychosexual stages Oral, anal, etc. Fixations, frustrations Developed Freudian psychology Would you categorize Freud as exceptional? Why?
Attitudes in Literature New focus: climate of pessimism, relativism and alienation New technique: stream of consciousness – inner monologue Virginian Wolfe James Joyce (Ulysses) – a single day in the life of an ordinary man Oswald Spengler – Decline of the West Franz Kafka – The Metamorphasis Enrich Remarque – All Quiet of the Western Front What does it seem like they are all reflecting?
Mass Culture – Consumer More people made enough $$ for luxury items Industrialization mass produced inexpensive goods “new woman” – highly independent Got the right to vote Held jobs, researched latest fashion trends, wore make-up, smoked cigarettes Used sex appeal to lure men – no longer yearned for marriage Cinema – movies – era of silent films Equalized society Radio Guiglielmo Marconi – invented around 1900 Became HUGE in 1920s Britain: BBC (government controlled) Tie this all together… how is society now defining itself?