Industrial Age Preconditions in England and western Europe Agricultural Revolution Advancements in transportation Availability of natural resources
Effects Technological advances and inventors Effects of the Industrial Revolution Changes in work and life Class changes; new upper middle class of industrialists, bankers, merchants, new factory working masses
Outcomes Outcomes of the Industrial Revolution The new factory city (example: Manchester) Resistance to industrialization; Luddites, Romanticism Ideologies, classes and social movements; liberalism, socialism, Marxism, anti-Semitism Europe-wide revolutions of 1848; classes, ideologies in conflict
Key contributors: James Watt, Adam Smith, Thomas Malthus, David Ricardo, Samuel Smiles, Jeremy Bentham, John Stuart Mills, Robert Owen, Charles Darwin, Sigmund Freud
Analysis 1. Analyze the causes and consequences of the Industrial Revolution. Focus consequences on the poor working conditions, low pay, factory workers without skills, long hours and tenement slums at first, new upper middle class of bankers, industrialists and merchants. Focus Causes on agriculture, new technology and social movement to new factory cities like Manchester. 2. Evaluate the effect of crop rotation, agricultural technology and fencing in grazing land excluding common range lands. Include the decline in number of people needed to farm, food production increases, lower prices and life expectancy. 3. Explain why corporations would get together to form cartels.
Factors 1. Describe the impact of communication and transportation technology. What made them faster? 2. Explain why the population in Europe doubled between 1800 and 1900. Include germ theory and Louis Pasteur, Lister and antiseptics, Nightingale and hospitals 3. Outline major demographic changes and migrations to the present, including: their causes and consequences (e.g. rural to urban, less developed to more developed) as well as sanitation sewers and water treatment.
Labor 1. Expand on at least three means that urban workers turned to in order to improve conditions for the laborer. 5.How did utilitarianism or government for the greatest good fit into socialism? mutual aid societies, union strikes, disability insurance, working hours and work safety laws
Changes Explain survival of the fittest and evolution theory. Elizabeth Stanton Cady, social gospel temperance movement, cult of domesticity Explain why Napoleon III widened the streets of Paris in an urban renewal.
Romanticism, Impressionism, Realism 1. Explain the themes of imagination, freedom and emotion that shaped romantic art, literature and music and give examples. 2. Discuss how realism responded to the industrialized world Monet and impressionism of first fleeting view, Van Gogh and post-impressionism bold colors, Charles Dickens Zola realism