Atmospheric pressure (Gas pressure)
Air around us exists pressure on us P(atm)=101.300 Pa In all directions
Calculate the force acting on a man whose surface area approximately equals to 1,5 m2.
Answer=151,950 N
15,000 Kilograms!!!!!
Why don’t we feel that force?????
Measurement of air pressure Air pressure is measured by BAROMETER
The most known barometer is MERCURY barometer. Toricceli invented this barometer.
76 cm-Hg= At sea level
Every 105 m decreasing by 1 cm-Hg When you rise, atmospheric pressure decreases Every 105 m decreasing by 1 cm-Hg
A barometer indicates 30 cm-Hg pressure at a mountain A barometer indicates 30 cm-Hg pressure at a mountain. Find the height of the mountain. Pressure at sea level is 76cm-Hg
Answer : 4830 m
An airplane flies at height of 6120 m, what is the pressure at that height? Find in mm-Hg and pascal.
Answer : 25cm-Hg. 32894,73 Pa.
Practice problems and tasks. 1. p 150-153 Read 2.p 156 Solve Example 5.11 3. p 163 Solve the following problems 1 and 2