Important Words In Marriage
God Single Most Important Word Many never consider God If product of evolution Then marriage is man-made If man-made, so what?
God Gen. 1:26-27 - created man in His image Ordained Marriage Gen. 2:24 “cleave to his wife” Matt. 19:4-5 “at the beginning” Mk. 10:9 “God has joined together” Can Approve – Gen. 5:2 Or Disapprove – Mal. 2:14-16
God Included in every “marriage” Eph. 5:21-33 God has stipulated how success may be achieved and sustained Husband and wife love one another
Thank You 2 Most Important Words Prov. 19:14 “prudent wife is from the Lord” Prov. 31:28-29 “he praises her” Eph. 5:33 “she respects her husband”
I Love You 3 Most Important Words Express love for each other - Eph. 5:25, 28, 33; Titus 2:3-4 While you have opportunity – Eccl. 9:10
Will You Forgive Me? 4 Most Important Words Will be some conflict Eph. 4:26 - Don’t bottle it up Matt. 5:23-24 - Reconciliation
Will You Forgive Me? Seek their forgiveness Be genuine The biggest person is the one who can admit wrong, work to change it, and ask for forgiveness!
Till Death Do Us Part 5 Most Important Words God intends marriage to be for life 1. Death is possible - Rom. 7:2 2. Fornication is possible – Matt. 19:9 3. Separation is possible – 1 Cor. 7:15
Important Words In Marriage God Thank You I Love You Will You Forgive Me? Till Death Do Us Part 1. Think often about these important words in marriage: a. God b. Thank You c. I Love You d. Will You Forgive Me e. Till Death Do Us Part 2. They mean things! Say them and live by them. 3. As you do, the Lord's blessings will be upon your relationship. 4. Your home will be one of love, contentment, joy, and peace. Who could ask more?