The Godhead Colossians 2:9.


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Presentation transcript:

The Godhead Colossians 2:9

“Godhead” “the state of being God” Three personalities Father -- Ephesians 4:6 Son (Word) -- John 1:1, 14 Holy Spirit -- Acts 5:3, 4

There Is One God True Deity (Godhead) Is One God is eternal – Deuteronomy 33:27 God is omniscient – Job 37:16 God is omnipotent – Revelation 19:6 God is omnipresent – Jeremiah 23:23, 24 God is unchangeable – Malachi 3:6

Scriptures Affirm Plurality Of The Godhead Genesis 1:1 God (“Elohim”) -- Is Plural Genesis 1:26 Ecclesiastes 12:1 “Remember now thy Creators in the days of thy youth…” Young’s Literal Translation All 3 present in the beginning Genesis 1:1,2; Ephesians 3:9; John 1:1-3

Plurality Of The Godhead All present at baptism of Jesus Matthew 3:16, 17 John 14:16

God’s Scheme of Redemption God “Thought” It Ephesians 1:3,4 Ephesians 3:11 Jesus “Bought” It 1 Peter 1:18, 19 1 Timothy 2:6 Holy Spirit “Brought” It Ephesians 3:5 1 Corinthians 2:9,10

God’s Plan of Salvation Hear the gospel (Romans 10:17) Believe Jesus is Christ (Acts 8:37) Repent of your sins (Acts 17:30) Confess your faith (Matthew 10:32) Baptized for remission of sins (Acts 2:38) Faithful unto death (Revelation 2:10)