In the day of adversity consider… (Eccl. 7:14, NKJV)


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Presentation transcript:

In the day of adversity consider… (Eccl. 7:14, NKJV) Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, but a good word makes it glad. (Prov. 12:25, NKJV)

Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. (1 Timothy 6:12 NKJV) I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. (2 Timothy 4:7 NKJV)

The Good Fight Against Anxiety Part 1 Descriptions Examples Responses Part 2 By Faith Little by little The Armor of God

1. What has happened in the distant past. 2 1. What has happened in the distant past. . .? 2. What is happening in the present . . .? 3. What might be happening in the present . . .? 4. What might happen in the future . . .? 5. What will happen in the future . . .?

By Faith Faith that works Is active Prov. 18:1-2; 9:10; 11:14; 24:6 Is effective 1 Jn. 5:4 I. By faith that works A. Job 42:2; Mt. 6:33 By faith, I believe God is aware of every detail of the problem and solution 1. When what I don’t know is my reason for worry or distress, I know that God knows. 2. When what I do know is my reason for worry or distress, I know God knows and can do more than I can. B. Faith must work (active) 1. Doing what I am able to do (Heb.11- by faith, offer, build, go, bless, remember, or suffer per God’s word) 2. Seeking help when I need it Prov. 18:1-2 a. Sometimes, alone, I cannot do what God expects me to do Eccl. 4:10-12 do I reject who God sends me? b. Sometimes others can help me determine what I can and cannot do (Jethro and Moses, Ex. 18) - be sure I choose wise counselors Prov. 9:10; 11:14 (15:22; 24:6) C. Faith will work (effective) 1 Jn. 5:4 1. May not always accomplish what I prefer or request—my past shows that’s a gift from God! (Jer. 10:23) 2. Can always accomplish what God says it will do 1 Jn. 5:4b; Eccl. 3:1, 11, 7:14 D. Faith works because God works in us through His word in us 1. 1 Thess. 2:13 2. Phil. 3:13 3. Heb. 13:20-21 4. Do not sit and wait---God is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him --- Whatever has, is, might, or will happen—there is no problem stronger than God’s solution: Faith that works!

By Faith Faith that works For this reason we also thank God without ceasing, because when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you welcomed it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which also effectively works in you who believe. (1 Thes. 2:13 NKJV) for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure. (Philippians 2:13 NKJV) I. By faith that works A. Job 42:2; Mt. 6:33 By faith, I believe God is aware of every detail of the problem and solution 1. When what I don’t know is my reason for worry or distress, I know that God knows. 2. When what I do know is my reason for worry or distress, I know God knows and can do more than I can. B. Faith must work (active) 1. Doing what I am able to do (Heb.11- by faith, offer, build, go, bless, remember, or suffer per God’s word) 2. Seeking help when I need it Prov. 18:1-2 a. Sometimes, alone, I cannot do what God expects me to do Eccl. 4:10-12 do I reject who God sends me? b. Sometimes others can help me determine what I can and cannot do (Jethro and Moses, Ex. 18) - be sure I choose wise counselors Prov. 9:10; 11:14 (15:22; 24:6) C. Faith will work (effective) 1 Jn. 5:4 1. May not always accomplish what I prefer or request—my past shows that’s a gift from God! (Jer. 10:23) 2. Can always accomplish what God says it will do 1 Jn. 5:4b; Eccl. 3:1, 11, 7:14 D. Faith works because God works in us through His word in us 1. 1 Thess. 2:13 2. Phil. 3:13 3. Heb. 13:20-21 4. Do not sit and wait---God is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him --- Whatever has, is, might, or will happen—there is no problem stronger than God’s solution: Faith that works!

By Faith Faith that works Now may the God of peace who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you complete in every good work to do His will, working in you what is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen. (Heb. 13:20-21 NKJV) I. By faith that works A. Job 42:2; Mt. 6:33 By faith, I believe God is aware of every detail of the problem and solution 1. When what I don’t know is my reason for worry or distress, I know that God knows. 2. When what I do know is my reason for worry or distress, I know God knows and can do more than I can. B. Faith must work (active) 1. Doing what I am able to do (Heb.11- by faith, offer, build, go, bless, remember, or suffer per God’s word) 2. Seeking help when I need it Prov. 18:1-2 a. Sometimes, alone, I cannot do what God expects me to do Eccl. 4:10-12 do I reject who God sends me? b. Sometimes others can help me determine what I can and cannot do (Jethro and Moses, Ex. 18) - be sure I choose wise counselors Prov. 9:10; 11:14 (15:22; 24:6) C. Faith will work (effective) 1 Jn. 5:4 1. May not always accomplish what I prefer or request—my past shows that’s a gift from God! (Jer. 10:23) 2. Can always accomplish what God says it will do 1 Jn. 5:4b; Eccl. 3:1, 11, 7:14 D. Faith works because God works in us through His word in us 1. 1 Thess. 2:13 2. Phil. 3:13 3. Heb. 13:20-21 4. Do not sit and wait---God is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him --- Whatever has, is, might, or will happen—there is no problem stronger than God’s solution: Faith that works!

Little by Little Ex. 23:29-30 . . . identify what I worry about Heb. 4:12; Prov. 28:26 . . . identify what I can and cannot change (Eccl) . . . focus time and attention on what I can do Eccl. 12:13; Phil. 4:8 . . . worship Phil. 4:6-7; Mt. 26:30; Ps. 119:57ff II. Little by little . . . (Ex. 23:29-30) A. God worked with Israel within the natural timeframe (slow), though He could have accomplished the same results much faster---He did this for their benefit, and God is working similarly today. B. . . . identify what I am most worried about 1. Heb. 4:12 Scripture will help you to understand yourself, little by little 2. Prov. 28:26; 27:9, 17 may require you to talk to someone very familiar with you or the problem you face. C. . . . identify what I can and cannot control or change 1. One of the themes of Ecclesiastes---Solomon was frustrated with “the way things are” 2. Dwelling on “what I wish. . .” is useless and harmful—to everything there is a season (Eccl. 3). D. . . . focus my time in thought and action in those areas I can do something about Eccl. 12:13; Phil. 4:8 E. . . . worship privately and publicly 1. pray Phil. 4:6-7 request and thanksgiving should always be together—how does that help us? 2. sing (Mt. 26:30) Singing directs my thoughts and feelings and sometimes can change them - None of Self and All of Thee, Make Me A Servant, or (a song we sung that day) 3. read alone or with others Ps. 119:57-64 --- none of these brings instant, drastic, complete relief but in these, and other, ways God provides the knowledge and comfort we need a few words and thoughts at a time---little by little.

Put on the Whole Armor of God Eph. 6:14-18 Thoroughly equipped Truth Deut. 29:29; Mal. 3:6; Gen. 1:27 Righteousness Preparation of the gospel of peace Faith Deut. 29:29 Salvation Word of God Praying always III. Whole armor of God - Which part of the armor might most defend us when anxiety and worry hunts us? A. Waist gird with truth 1. Deut. 29:29 there are some things we cannot know---we must focus on what we can know 2. Truth helps me to limit my thoughts, expectations, decisions, and goals to things that are real and right—when I pursue these two things, there is a limit in the number of things I have to worry about. 3. Truth helps me to know what I can, or cannot, expect from a. God Mal. 3:6 (Heb. 13:8); Job 42:2 No matter what did-is-will happen God has-is-will not be defeated b. myself Gen. 1:27 God has put enough of His traits in us to allow us to do/avoid what He expects us to do, avoid c. others Gen. 1:27; 1 Cor. 2:11a I can never fully anticipate and explain why he. . . (did-is doing-might do. . .)---do not lose the opportunities and responsibilities of life fretting over why others ___. B. Shield of faith, to identify the lies (darts) of Satan regarding right and reality 1. Deut. 29:29 ignoring these boundaries leaves man to explore all possibilities and have no idea whether there are limits of reality and right. a. In a debate about origins, Bill Nye (Science Guy) asked “How do you know life cannot come from non-life?” b. “Experts” say the universe might be a hologram, computer program, black hole, bubble 2. With truth and faith, I can recognize the devil’s darts Satan will try to use against me, concerning a. God- “How can I know God is real and will help, when I cannot see or hear Him?” b. myself- my life is valueless, I’ve sinned too much for too long and am beyond help or hope c. others- “no one cares, will help, will forgive” “they ruined my life” “ 3. With an understanding of what is real and right, I am thoroughly equipped against these attacks of Satan.

The Good Fight Against Anxiety Part 1 Descriptions Examples Responses Part 2 By Faith Little by little The Armor of God