Workshop, Pretoria – South Africa Land Use System Versión 2.0 LADA Argentina Team “LUS map” Workshop, Pretoria – South Africa 16 – 18 September 2008
Objetive Define the Land Use System like a tool for the assessment and monitoring of desertification and land degradation.
Framework Identification the possible situations that could be associate to different levels of risk of desertification. Monitoring the changes that could be indicate an increase en the erosive activities
Methodology Upload and established by LADA during the life project Generals consideration Upload and established by LADA during the life project The final methodology it is not define yet. Its objective is complement the GLADA development.
Methodology Based originally in maps and global data bases. Generals considerations Based originally in maps and global data bases. Could be upload with local data respect the methodology propose. Resolution: 5 arc min. Average surface for pixel: 7200 ha.
Methodology Steps for the LUS construction + Attributes associated LUS
Methodology Steps for the LUS construction Reclassification of GLC 2000 and change in the resolution
Methodology Steps for the LUS construction
Methodology Steps for the LUS construction
Methodology Steps for the LUS construction
Methodology Steps for the LUS construction Reclassification from irrigation 2007 map and change in the resolution
Methodology Steps for the LUS construction Generation of the urban and protected areas map
Methodology Steps for the LUS construction Obtain from the intensity livestock map.
Methodology Steps for the LUS construction
Methodology Steps for the LUS construction
Methodology Put all the maps together Reclassification Steps for the LUS construction Put all the maps together Reclassification Rename the categories results
LUS Regional Validation LADA needs to evaluate a validate the LUS to know its state. We should generate an strategy for the evaluation for the LUS and his attributes.
Strategies for the LUS validation Direct evaluation for the LUS. Attributes revision. Critics point identificated during the construction.
LUS Critical Points Resolution: each pixel represent the “dominant” system within the 7200 ha. Date for de data base: it is asynchrony multi-temporal since 2000 to 2007. Veracity from the individual components: quality from data and distribution. Construction methodology: limits from the classes.
Precipitation From a global data base: WorldClim ( Resolution original: 3 arc seg. Hijmans et al, 2005. Very high resolution interpolated climate surfaces for global land areas. International Journal of Climatology 25: 1965-1978 Process, reclassification and re-scaled
Livestock From a national database: National Agropecuary Cense 2002. Resolution original: Department Convert to 3 arc min. Wint and Robinson, 2007. Gridded livestock of the world. Process, reclassification y re-scaled
Dominant Crops From a national database: National Agropecuary Cense 2002. Resolution: Department Processed, reclassification by LADA methodology Converted to 5 arc min. Using cultivated areas from GLC 2000.
Dominants Crops
Dominants Crops
Irrigation From a global database: Global map of irrigated areas (version 4.0.1, February 2007). Center for Environmental Systems Research, University of Kassel And Land and Water Development Division (FAO) Resolution original: 3 arc min. Processed, reclassification and re-scaled
Significant limit for irrigation
Significant limit for irrigation
Dankie! Thanks! Merci! Xie Xie! Grazie! Muchas Gracias!