Deeds ‘justify’ your faith 2v24 James 2v18-26 11. Abrahab Deeds ‘justify’ your faith 2v24 Abraham was validating his faith by what he did What he did later, proved his past faith was real v23 He believed the promise 20 yrs. earlier Gen 15v4-6 Through his son Isaac would come many believers Gen 17v5 Gospel: Not just confession, but repentance 2 Tim 2v19, Acts 2v38 No repentance, no salvation Matt 7v21-23 You gain Christ, peace, joy
James 2v18-26 11. Abrahab Rahab the prostitute 2v25 Her faith came first Josh 2v8-13, Heb 11v31, Josh 2v3 Crunch time: Obey the king or obey the KING? She’s looking for a city whose builder is God Heb 11v10, 14-16 God LOVES Rahab He saved her & her family He chose her to be part of the family line of the Saviour Always known as Rahab the prostitute v25, Josh 2v1, Heb 11v31 God Himself removed that shameful title Matt 1v5 Your past has now become Christ’s past ‘How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!’ 1 Jn 3v1