PROJECT LIST FOR US HISTORY CARNIVAL Tri-fold Board American Presidents PART 1 American Presidents PART 2 American Wars PART 1 American Wars PART 2 Important people in U.S History PART 1 Important people in U.S History PART 2 Important people in U.S History PART 3 Famous Johns in U.S History Important Documents in U.S History PART 1 Important Documents in U.S History PART 2 Abolitionist The Five civilized Tribes United states From the 13 Colonies to Now Famous Supreme Court Cases 3D Projects (CARD GAME) 15. American Presidents PART 1 16. American Presidents PART 2 17. American Wars PART 1 18. American Wars PART 2 19. Important people in U.S History PART 1 20. Important people in U.S History PART 2 21. Important people in U.S History PART 3 22. Famous Johns in U.S History 23. Important Documents in U.S History PART 1 24. Important Documents in U.S History PART 2 25. Abolitionist 26. The Five civilized Tribes 27. United states From the 13 Colonies to Now 28. Famous Supreme Court Cases