Coyote “Top 10” Counseling Tips for Parents


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Presentation transcript:

Coyote “Top 10” Counseling Tips for Parents Presented by Your CeHS Guidance Team

Agenda Welcome Class of 2021! Top 10 Things You Need to Know from CeHS Guidance: 1. High School Graduation Requirements 2. Freshman Scheduling 3. Math Placement 4. ParentVue & StudentVue 5. Making the Most of High School 6. Attendance 7. Grades - Homework 8. Setting Your Student Up for Success 9. Your Student’s Best Advocate - Themselves 10. What do School Counselors do?

PUSD Graduation Requirements Subject Graduation English 4 Math Lab Science 3 Social Studies PE/Marching Band 1 CTE/Fine Art World Language 0 ** Electives 12 = 28 Credits + 60% or higher on the Civics Test **In-state universities require two credits of the same world language. Some out of state may require three!

Freshman Scheduling Block Scheduling – 4 (90 minute) classes each semester, earning 8 credits per school year Students have 8 semesters to earn 16 core and 12 elective credits Core and Elective classes will be balanced out every year English & Math placement is determined by the 8th grade teachers using data and a rubric Typical freshman schedule Fall Spring English I/Leadership Seminar Personal Fitness – Boys or Girls Biology Lunch Music Master Guitar Building Trades I Algebra I Elective or Yearlong Algebra I

Freshman Scheduling Cont’d Our “Master Schedule” is created based on student requests – we build a schedule that meets most of our student’s needs and wants. We build a seat for our students in a class for which they have requested. We will HOLD your student to their requests. Most students do receive one or more of their alternate requests (especially freshman). In fairness to all students – we do not allow: Requests for specific teachers Requests for lunches What semester and hour classes fall in the school day All incoming students receive a “Summer Mailer” that includes: Bookstore statement with fees for classes Information for the upcoming school year

70% Rule English l and English ll Algebra l and Geometry Biology Some elective classes (check the course offering guide) Support, tutoring, remediation Before and after school, with your teacher Many great websites Credit recovery options Students have 2 chances to take the course on campus before having to seek an alternative to completion

ParentVue & StudentVue If you had access from a PUSD elementary school, your account continues to follow your student into high school. We encourage that you actively monitor your student’s grades and attendance. Communicate with the teacher for clarification on assignments/grades. There is an APP for this! Found in the Google Play or App Store. See the front reception desk to gain access – need your ID.

Centennial Counseling Web Page Excellent place to go for information – if you have q question, the answer is likely there (or contact info for someone who can help). Links for every grade level Student Vue and Parent Vue access Future Coyotes!

Making the Most of High School Clubs Activities/Athletics – Fall, Winter, and Spring Community Service Leadership – Student Government, Peer Counseling, National Honor Society, elected club/CTE organization position. Studies consistently show a strong connection between involvement and achievement

Attendance Daily attendance is the GREATEST predictor of SUCCESS. On a block schedule – missing 1 day is the equivalent of 2 days in a traditional schedule. 10 absences require an appeal for loss of credit – only 1 appeal is allowed Many programs require information about your attendance record (West- MEC, summer programs, college programs/scholarships)

Grades Grades matter = credits earned (Yes, this does include Freshmen Year) Algebra I, Geometry, Biology, English I and English II – all require a 70% proficiency earned to move on to the next level. Athletic eligibility – students must carry a “D” or better to remain eligible for sports. Under NO Pass/ No Play, students earning a “F” receive a yellow card and then a “red card” if the grade does not improve. Most coaches will require their athletes to carry a “C” or better; Coaches also consider grades as a component of the try-out process. B’s or better get you ready for College!

Setting Your Student Up for Success Limiting Social Media Dedicated homework time and space Know available homework resources Get to know your child’s friends Talk and listen to your child If you have questions about your child’s class – ask the teacher Help your student embrace struggle and failure as part of life’s journey Help them learn to advocate for themselves….

Your Student’s Best Advocate – Themselves! Students are expected to seek help and support from their teachers. Students must ASK for the help that they need – they must use their voice! Our goal is to help your student be successful beyond high school. Encourage your student to communicate well with their teachers, counselors and coaches – these are the people who will write recommendations and serve as references in the future. We are here to support your student on next steps if they face hurdles, hiccups and adversity.

What do School Counselors do? Our Team, 6 counselors. Ratio 365:1 Reasons to see your School Counselor Personal, Social, Emotional - friends, family, school, grief/loss, life transitions, etc. Academic – selecting classes based on interest, course of study College Planning – recommendations, references, applications, fee waivers for testing/applications, scholarship information Career Planning – programs, West MEC, MET Academy, private versus public options Interventions, Supports – tutoring/homework help, credit recovery, summer school

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