Practise your Learn-its three times a week. (See school website) Malala Class 9.12.16 Name……………………………………………… Homework Grid for the last 2 weeks of term. Please bring in at least one piece of homework by Wednesday each week to earn 2 Table Tokens for each piece. Final date – Wednesday 21st December. Basic skills Practise your Learn-its three times a week. (See school website) Please bring in clean glass jars for us to make decorated Christmas tea lights to sell at our Christmas Market. Make Christmas decorations to sell at our Christmas Market on Thursday. These could be baubles, decorated candles, Christmas bunting, table decorations, 3-D nativity figures, wreaths, evergreen arrangements, anything at all. Use your imagination and develop your craft skills! Read for a minimum of 10 minutes, at least four times a week. Please make any delicious edible goodies to sell at our Christmas Market. These could be mince pies, Christmas cup cakes, decorated biscuits, home-made chocolates, peppermint creams, marshmallow snowmen, anything at all. Have fun baking, but please only do this with adult supervision. Learn your spellings (either your new list given every 2 weeks or put the ones you have learnt into sentences). For 16.12.16: Please complete the Christmas story comprehension activity which will be provided next Friday. Learn the multiplication and division facts for the 3 and 4 times tables. Learn our new Bible quote for our Christian value of justice: - ‘The righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern.’ (Proverbs 29:7) Then find a story in the Bible about justice.