ANSWER The witness of an authentic Christian life and the practice of charity are initial proclamation because they dare the other to examine his own lifestyle, values, and priorities.
Witness of Life When we witness to being women and men of God, of strong faith and courage, by daring to live a holy life in striving to live the Beatitudes - forgiveness, welcome, and love for all, to the point of offering our lives for others, our life becomes truly prophetic. This burning with love for Jesus in ordinary everyday life, becomes an interesting invitation to understand the motivations and deeper reasons for such a lifestyle. A credible witness triggers existential questions of the kind: "Why do you live this way?" "Why do you do this?" So these questions really become a "gateway that leads to faith." Once this process begins in the other, Initial Proclamation can be said to be operative.
Witness of Life In multi-religious contexts, in most cases, our presence may be limited to a silent witness of life and action through an authentic Christian life. This is the reality confronting those who work among Muslims, Hindus, or even Buddhists. In that light, our friendship or the way of dealing with people of different cultures, religions and social status, which is open, respecting and welcoming, becomes initial proclamation. The Christian witness in ordinary everyday life then becomes a manifestation of a living Christianity for those who do not know Christ. The 'style' of life in ordinary daily life becomes initial proclamation and a gradual path to faith. That is the reason why Christianity as a "style" of life is of great importance. It is a form of initial proclamation.
Witness of Life In addition: Celebrations of the faith and popular religious expressions (celebration of sacraments, especially baptism and marriage, pilgrimages, popular devotions) if carefully prepared, can inspire a deepening of evangelical life, nurture and enhance hope among the participants. They could stir up within those who do not know Christ a fascination of faith that could trigger an interest in His person. In this way it becomes IP.
CHARITY The practice of charity must go hand in hand with the credible lifestyle of individual Christians, the Christian family, and the entire Christian community. This testimony of life and charity take shape in specific cultural expressions at important moments of human existence, in relationships and in socio-political expressions of everyday life.
CHARITY A true Christian sees not sinners in poor people but sees in them the face of Christ. Charity should be done not as a proselytising instrument, but out of love for God and for humanity This testimony of charity and the sincere service of every Christian living with faith, hope and love and immersed in prayer becomes a medium of communicating one’s experience of the Divine. The testimony of charity will inspire questions among the beneficiaries and will challenge the intellect and the will to ask existential or religious questions.
CHARITY Initial proclamation should be the fundamental goal of our social commitment. Our social/charitable works should be enveloped with the intentionality of Initial Proclamation which is to lead people to become fascinated with the person of Jesus as the first and prior step to direct proclamation and subsequent conversion and deepening of faith as per the working of the Holy Spirit.