CONSISTENT CHRISTIAN LIVING Text: Genesis 5:22-24, 17:1; Ephesians 6:10-18.
MEMORY VERSE: “And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him” (Genesis 5:24).
Jesus wants us to continue TO follow His COMMANDMENTS , have a clean heart and live A DAILY sinless life after we have accepted Him as our Saviour AND Lord. This is what a consistent Christian life means
1. SALVATIONANDSANCTIFICATION:CONDITIONS FOR CONSISTENT CHRISTIAN LIVING: Genesis 5:22-24; 6:1-8 At salvation, a friend of Jesus has a measure of power to resist Satan and stop committing sins like stealing, lying and fighting. But the bad thoughts in his heart, unforgivness Tendencies and some other little things are still within him
Jesus died to save, make us holy and purify our hearts, but we must thirst and pray to receive the pure heart. It is only after this second Christian experience, that is called sanctification, that a person is free from outside and inward sins and can live a daily life of holiness.
2.BIBLE EXAMPLES OF THOSE WHO LIVED DAILY VICTORIOUS LIVES: Enoch walked with God consistently or continually for three hundred years and was raptured. He did not experience physical death. Noah, Joseph, D a n i e l , S h a d r a c h, Meshach, Abednego, Moses, Abraham, peter David, John the beloved are all examples of those who lived daily victorious lives and made heaven at last.
3. THE POWER OF GOD’S ARMOUR FOR VICTORIOUS LIVING: Ephesians 6:10-18 God has provided spiritual armour for every Christian to overcome in their daily battle against Satan
The armour of God consists of truth, righteousness, the gospel of peace, faith, salvation and prayer. These are the sure weapons we require in our daily lives to overcome every satanic attack and works of his agents
Are you prayerful? Without salvation, sanctification and the whole armour of God, you can never live a victorious life
If you are not yet saved, give your life to Jesus today and be free from sin. Then pray for your heart to be purified so that you can live a daily life of victory
questions 1. What is another name for consistent Christian living? __________________________________________________ 2. Every person on earth is engaged in spiritual battles. Yes/No? 3. Mention four people that served God consistently in the Bible __________________________________________ 4. What are the two Christian experiences that you need to live a consistent Christian life? _________________ _________________________________________________________ _______ 5. Mention the parts of the complete armour of God ___