Students will be able to learn how to write a BCR, using B.A.T.S.
O this mean : your conclusion sentence B- A- T- S- Orrow words from the text to Help write a topic sentence Nswer the question ext support: use examples from The text the support your answer O this mean : your conclusion sentence
Example question Explain how the setting in the movie Karate Kid, affects the mood/feeling in the movie.
Q: Explain how the setting in the movie Karate Kid, affects the mood/feeling in the movie. B: Let me explain to you how the setting in the movie Karate Kid affects the mood/feeling in the movie.
Q: Explain how the setting in the movie Karate Kid, affects the mood/feeling in the movie. A: The setting would changed because the setting in this story is: China, and the mood is depressing because the boy keeps getting beat up by Chinese people and he does know how to fight back
Q: Explain how the setting in the movie Karate Kid, affects the mood/feeling in the movie. T: The setting affects the mood because if the story took place in for example New York city, then the mood would be different because in New York they do dirty fighting and he would know how to fighting and the new mood would be comfortable.
Q: Explain how the setting in the movie Karate Kid, affects the mood/feeling in the movie. S: So this means that the setting affects the mood because there is this black kid in China and he is not their culture and he does not know how to do things like that. That’s how the mood is depressing.
Q: Explain how the setting in the movie Karate Kid, affects the mood/feeling in the movie. B: Let me explain to you how the setting in the movie Karate Kid affects the mood/feeling in the movie. A: The setting would changed because the setting in this story is: China, and the mood is depressing because the boy keeps getting beat up by Chinese people and he does know how to fight back. T: The setting affects the mood because if the story took place in for example New York city, then the mood would be different because in New York they do dirty fighting and he would know how to fighting and the new mood would be comfortable S: So this means that the setting affects the mood because there is this black kid in China and he is not their culture and he does not know how to do things like that. That’s how the mood is depressing.