Term 4 Narrative Writing Assessment 1 Year 2
Blueprint Writing Assessment Time Guidelines Pre-writing: Writing: 30 minutes 90 minutes Musical Mammals Write a narrative about a group of animals that play music in a band. The story might be about the type of music or instruments they play. One of the musicians might be faced with a problem and the other animal bandmates help him solve it. What can each animal do? How does each animal help solve the problem? Before you write: Think about the story you want to write. Think about your characters, setting, problem, events and ending. Organise your ideas in the planning chart. When you write: Use the characters, setting and problem to write the beginning of the story. Use the events to write what happens in the middle of the story. Write an ending to your story that explains how the problem is solved. While you write, remember to: Capitalise your title, any proper nouns and the beginning of each sentence. Use ending punctuation and commas, as needed. Use correct spelling. This Writing Assessment should take approximately two hours to complete. All of the instructions for the Writing Assessment should be read aloud to the students. There is a stop sign placed strategically on the page to indicate where students should stop and wait for further instructions. Before beginning the Writing Assessment, please make sure that all students have a copy of the Writing Assessment and a pencil. Ready to begin? Teacher, READ ALOUD to students: During this writing test you will have to work by yourself, so listen carefully while I tell you what to do. Today, you will write a narrative. You will write a narrative about a group of animals that play music in a band. (point to them in the picture below) The story might be about the type of music or instruments they play. One of the musicians might be faced with a problem and the other animal bandmates help him solve it. Some questions you might think about are: What can each animal do? How does each animal help solve the problem? Instruct students to turn to the page with the planning chart.
Story Details Narrative Writing Assessment Time Guidelines Pre-writing: 30 minutes Story Details Narrative Beginning (Introduction) Characters Who is the story about? Setting Where does the story take place? Problem What is the problem the characters face? Middle (Order of Events) Events What happened? Ending How is the problem solved? Teacher, READ ALOUD: Students, before you write I want you to: Think about the story you want to write. Think about your characters, setting, problem, events and ending. Organise your ideas in this planning chart. You have 30 minutes for this part of the test. Any questions? You may begin. Instruct students to turn to the page with the writing paper.
Narrative Teacher, READ ALOUD: Blueprint Writing Assessment Time Guidelines Writing: 90 minutes Narrative Teacher, READ ALOUD: Now that you have planned and organised your ideas, you are going to write your narrative. Please use your planning chart to help you write. When you write: Use the characters, setting and problem to write the beginning of the story. Use the events to write what happens in the middle of the story. Write an ending to your story that explains how the problem is solved. While you write, remember to: Capitalise your title, any proper nouns and the beginning of each sentence. Use ending punctuation and commas, as needed. Use correct spelling. You have 90 minutes for this part of the test. Any questions? You may begin.
Year 2 Marking Guide for Narrative Writing Conventions Text Structure 0 no structure or sequence 1 minimal structure, lacking major parts 2 has orientation and complication, weak or no resolution 3 has orientation, complication, resolution 4 also resolution clearly solves complication Spelling 0 no conventional spelling 1 spelling errors impede readability 2 few or no spelling errors Points: _____________ / 2 Vocabulary 0 symbols or drawings only, no words 1 very short script with simple words 2 simple words, 2 or 3 precise words 3 some precise words or phrases Points: _____________ /4 Ideas 0 no evidence 1 ideas are very few and simple or unrelated 2 ideas are simple or predictable 3 ideas show development and are coherent 4 ideas are substantial and elaborated Points: _____________ / 3 Paragraphs 0 no paragraphs 1 sentences are organised in order in one paragraph (orientation, complication, resolution) Points: _____________ / 4 Character Setting 1 only names or roles of characters and setting 2 brief chacterisation and suggestion of setting 3 characterisation and description of setting Points: _____________ / 1 Sentence 0 no sentence structure 1 some complete sentences 2 uses all simple sentences correctly 3 uses all simple sentences correctly and attempts compound sentences 4 uses all simple and compound sentences correctly Cohesion 0 symbols or drawings 1 text is confusing to read 2 uses some synonyms, word associations and pronouns to make connections 3 uses all or most synonyms, word associations and pronouns to make clear connections Points: _____________ / 4 Punctuation 0 no punctuation 1 uses some full stops and some sentence capitalisation correctly 2 uses all correct sentence punctuation and sentence capitalisation 3 also uses proper noun capitalisation correctly 4 also has mostly correct other punctuation (e.g., commas) Total _____________ / 14 Overall Total _____________ / 28