TAXS and TAXN ABSORBERS - OVERVIEW F. Sanchez Galan, S. Evrard 13-03-2017
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Scope Machine-experiment interface Absorbers to protect the inner triplets and dipoles from the collision debris generated at the interaction point. Target Absorber for Neutrals (TANTAXN) Target Absorber for Secondary (TASTAXS) F. Sanchez Galan HL-LHC C&S Review, CERN 18 Oct 2016
TAS in CMS Forward Shielding Fixed Iron nose TAS absorber Rotating shielding F. Sanchez Galan HL-LHC C&S Review, CERN 18 Oct 2016
TAS in ATLAS Forward Shielding Movable: Octagonal shielding (JFS), cylindrical shielding (JFC) TAS absorber (inside fixed TX1S) TAS Courtesy of M. Raymond F. Sanchez Galan HL-LHC C&S Review, CERN 18 Oct 2016
Scope – from TAS to TAXS @ P1& P5 TAXS will replace TAS, which are embedded in the forward shielding, at the limit of the experimental cavern and LHC tunnel. Functionality and design principles will be kept. Dedicated water cooling to cope with the increased deposited energy, optimised engineering based on experience. Although conceptually similar, conception of the Forward Shielding is based on different principles in ATLAS and CMS. ALARA, reduce exposure time for major operations. F. Sanchez Galan HL-LHC C&S Review, CERN 18 Oct 2016
Scope – from TAN to TAXN @ P1& P5 TAXN will replace TAN to protect D2. Functionality and design principles will be kept. Dedicated water cooling to cope with the increased deposited energy.
Scope – from TAN to TAXN @ P1& P5 TAN at P1 and P5 function remain unchanged BUT: HL-LHC operation will increase the activation and deposited power (0.3->1.8 kW @ 7.5x1034 cm-2 s-1) They will be moved 13.8 m towards IP respect to its current position. HL-LHC layout shortens length by 160 mm A new WPS alignment system will be placed on it. Compatibility with remote handling in situ experiments, alignment Need active cooling
Overview of Radiation (EDMS 1434476) F. Sanchez Galan Oct 28, 2015 5th Joint HiLumi LHC-LARP Annual Meeting CERN
LS3 estimation Experiment side dose rates @considered position are ~3 times higher than tunnel side ones. 32.5 ÷ 42.5 TAS TAS Residual Dose Rate [mSv/h] Residual Dose Rate [mSv/h] ~700 ~250 ~230 ~85 Distance from IP [cm] Distance from IP [cm] HL-LHC WP8 Bi-Weekly Meeting - March 17th 2015 F. Sanchez Galan Oct 28, 2015 5th Joint HiLumi LHC-LARP Annual Meeting CERN
TAS 4 TAS (Cu OFHC absorbers), 2 Iron shieldings Heating & temperature monitoring system integrated Iron cradle, Cu absorber To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page
TAS ASSEMBLY (EXPLODED) UPPER COPPER CLAMSHELL HEATER, THERMOCOUPLES COPPER BEAM TUBE 34 mm ID 40 mm ID LOWER COPPER CLAMSHELL SUPPORT CRADLE (ASSY ONLY) 12 To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page
TAXS CONCEPT (EXPLODED) UPPER COPPER CLAMSHELL HEATER, THERMOCOUPLES COPPER BEAM TUBE 60 mm ID 63mm 0D LOWER COPPER CLAMSHELL SUPPORT CRADLE (ASSY ONLY) Engineering and detailed drawings will be provided by CERN. 13 To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page
TAXN Engineering and detailed drawings will be provided by CERN. Alignment supports provided by CERN. To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page
TAN ASSEMBLY The steel shielding is a pinned structure with The TAN consists of two major sub-assemblies: - Absorber Box - Steel Shielding. Upper shielding Junction box Through bolt Absorber box Copper/SS bars Side shielding (2) Marble Upper base plate Beam tube vacuum chamber Lower base plate Beam tube support bracket The steel shielding is a pinned structure with four through bolts for transport. Jacks (3) 15 To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page
Copper absorber & beampipes SS box Iron shielding Copper/SS bars Marble Copper absorber & beampipes SS box Iron shielding To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page
PROCUREMENT PLAN (BINP CERN) Deliverables PROCUREMENT PLAN (BINP CERN) Materials, vacuum beam tube methodology, bake-out. Production method: 1+3 vs 4 units in parallel MANUFACTURING DRAWINGS(CERN) 3D models (CATIA) Manufacturing drawings
Manufacturing drawings will be done by CERN
Deliverables FABRICATION/ASSEMBLY PLAN (Q/A) To be prepared by BINP and accepted in a Pre-assembly review BINP site location, (30 ton crane, test equipment, floor space) Lead technician, Vacuum testing resources, metrology resources To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page
TAN assembly site 4 TAN-Base plate 4 TAS- In test Lifting and Handling 30 Ton overhead crane Floor load capability Office and Clean room Open floor space
Deliverables FABRICATION/ASSEMBLY PLAN (Q/A) To be prepared by BINP and accepted in a Pre-assembly review BINP site location, (30 ton crane, test equipment, floor space) Lead technician, Vacuum testing resources, metrology resources
ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA The major components of the Acceptance Criteria include the following: Dimensional checks Continuity checks of heaters and thermocouples Bake-out performance and vacuum checks Fiducialization measurements Anciliaries needed for handling To edit speaker name go to Insert > Header & Footer and apply to all slides except title page
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WP8-Schedule (2016-End LS2) TAXN: Functional specification- Sept 2017 Eng-specification- March 2020 Courtesy of M. Barberan & Planning team TAXS: Functional specification- Sept 2017 Eng-specification- Sept 2018 PSM1- CERN, 2 Feb 2017 F. Sanchez Galan
WP8-Schedule (LS2-LS3) TAXN: Manufacturing 2021, RECEPTION 2022, Assembly at CERN march 2023 TAXS: Manufacturing 2021, RECEPTION 2022, Assembly at CERN march 2023 Courtesy of M. Barberan & Planning team PSM1- CERN, 2 Feb 2017 F. Sanchez Galan
In brief: Design done at CERN Procurement of components according to CERN drawings and detailed specifications Assembly & acceptance tests at BINP and CERN with on-site support of industrial contractors (ex.: mechanical assembly, welding, quality control) Y-Chamber strategy to be detailed.
120 fb-1 300 fb-1 30 fb-1 3000 fb-1 Today
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Run 2 and Run 3 >100 fb-1 300 fb-1 ~ 40-45 fb-1/year in 2017 and 2018 (goals will be fixed at Chamonix 2017) Prepare for HL-LHC and post-LS2 LIU era Prepare for 7 TeV operation