General Parts of the Report Name of Facility, Municipality, Province/ City and Region Title of the Report To be used by CHO/ PHO and RHO when consolidating reports Report Cohort, Date Submitted, Prepared by
Report 1a Title Quarterly Report on TB Microscopy and GX Laboratory Examinations Prepared by medical technologist or microscopist/Xpert Operator in the microscopy center and Xpert sites Submitted to FOD/PHO/CHO -> RHO -> NTRL -> NTP Frequency Quarterly Cohort Current reportable quarter Data Source Form 3a. NTP Laboratory Register (Microscopy and GX)
Inspect test done (DSSM or Xpert) Inspect “reason for examination”; should be “diagnosis” Inspect test done (DSSM or Xpert) Inspect “history of treatment” Inspect “examination result” if DSMM Positive or TBC Positive (MTB Detected) Positivity rate = #2 / #1 Inspect “reason for examination”; should be “follow-up”
Report 3a Title Quarterly report on Case Finding of Drug Susceptible TB Cases and IPT Prepared by nurse at the DOTS facility Submitted to FOD/PHO/CHO -> RHO -> IDO-NTP Frequency Quarterly Cohort Current reportable quarter Data Source Form 6a. Drug Susceptible TB Register Form 9. IPT Register
Inspect “anatomical site” Inspect “bacteriologic status” if “BC” Inspect “registration group” Inspect “sex” Inspect “anatomical site” Inspect “bacteriologic status” if “CD” New and Relapse of BC and CD; Subtotal of A + B should equal C Inspect age
Subtotal in A & B should match with D Patients in E have been reported in A & B Regardless of Classification & Reg Group Only for patients 15 y/o and above Check “age”
Report 4 Title Quarterly report on drug and supply inventory and requirement Prepared by designated health worker (nurse or midwife) in the DOTS facility at the provincial, City and RHO level, NTP nurse in coordination with the supply officer Submitted to PHO/CHO -> RHO -> IDO-NTP Frequency Quarterly Cohort Current reportable quarter Data Source Report 3a. Quarterly Report on case finding of drug susceptible TB and IPT for data on the number of TB cases treated and given IPT Report 1a. Quarterly Report on TB Microscopy and GX Laboratory Examinations for data on the number patients undergoing laboratory examinations stock cards inventory reports
Report 5a Title Quarterly report on Treatment Outcome of Drug Susceptible TB Cases Prepared by nurse in the DOTS facility Submitted to PHO/CHO -> RHO -> IDO-NTP Frequency Quarterly Cohort One year ago of current reportable quarter Data Source Form 6a. Drug Susceptible TB Register Reporting Period Cohort of patients to be reported 1st quarter of current year (eg, April 2013) 1st quarter of previous year (eg, Jan-Mar 2012) 2nd quarter of current year (eg, July 2013) 2nd quarter of previous year (eg, Apr-Jun 2012) 3rd quarter of current year (eg, October 2013) 3rd quarter of previous year (eg, July-Sep 2012) 4th quarter of current year (eg, Jan 2014) 4th quarter of previous year (eg, Oct-Dec 2012)
Total registered should equal total evaluated unless excluded Total can be compared to previous Report 3A of same cohort Patients who turned out DRTB are excluded from the cohort
Patient may already be reported in A, B or C