Governor’s Executive Committee on Energy Efficiency Member’s Choice Panel Governor’s Executive Committee on Energy Efficiency
GEC Recommendations: Track progress toward meeting the 10 percent energy efficiency goal. Conduct outreach to local governments about the value in reducing energy consumption. Develop a single-brand strategy for the marketing and outreach of energy efficiency programs. Showcase champions of energy efficiency. Support legislation allowing localities to require the reporting of commercial energy benchmarking data. Develop special curriculum for schools to educate students about energy efficiency.
Today’s EE Policies: Voluntary EE Goal Dominion DSM Programs 63% APCo 35% Performance Contracting Public Buildings 1% Recovery Act Appliance US DOE Rebates 2015 savings (progress to-date) GOAL: 10.76 million MWh Annual Electricity Savings 9.29% Source: DMME analysis of 2015 Utility Integrated Resource Plans; Virginia Energy Management Program Performance Measures; US DOE study of the appliance rebate programs; and US EIA electricity sales data.
Projected Savings: Voluntary EE Goal GOAL: 10.76 million MWh Annual Electricity Savings 24.4% 2020 savings in MWh (existing, planned and proposed) Commercial PACE Virginia SAVES Commercial Lighting Education and Outreach Dominion DSM Programs 67% APCo 32% Performance Contracting Public Buildings 1% Source: DMME analysis of Appalachian Power Company and Dominion Virginia Power 2015 Integrated Resource Plans; Virginia Energy Management Program Performance Measures; US Department of Energy study of the appliance rebate programs; and US Energy Information Agency electricity sales data.