Elite Athletes’ briefing


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Presentation transcript:

Elite Athletes’ briefing <Insert Event Logo> Elite Athletes’ briefing <Insert Date>

<Insert Event Logo> Briefing agenda Welcome and Introductions Competition Jury Schedules and Timetables Check-in and Procedures The course Post-Race Procedures Weather forecast <Insert Event Logo>

Welcome and Introductions <Insert name>, <highest ranked ITU Executive Board representative> <Insert name>, ITU Team Leader <Insert name>, ITU Technical Delegate <Insert name>, ITU Assistant Technical Delegate <Insert name>, ITU Race Referee <Insert name>, ITU Medical Delegate <Insert name>, LOC Director {comment – to be deleted: Insert the names of the officials that are attending the briefing and delete the rest} <Insert Event Logo>

<Insert Event Logo> Competition Jury <Insert name>, Chair <Insert name> {comment – to be deleted: Insert the names of the Competition Jury Members} <Insert Event Logo>

Schedule and Timelines Friday {Thursday if the briefing is on Thursday} hh:mm – hh:mm Race pack pick-up hh:mm – hh:mm Pasta Party Saturday {Friday if the briefing is on Thursday} hh:mm – hh:mm Training Sessions in the swimming pool {if applicable} hh:mm – hh:mm Bike course training {if applicable} ( Meeting Point: ……….) hh:mm – hh:mm Swim course training {if applicable} <Insert Event Logo>

Schedule and Timelines Sunday {Saturday if the briefing is on Thursday} hh:mm – hh:mm Athletes’ Lounge open and check-in hh:mm – hh:mm Transition Area open for Elite Women hh:mm – hh:mm Warm-up for Elite Women hh:mm Elite Women Start hh:mm – hh:mm Medal ceremony {comment – to be deleted: Additional information can be added} <Insert Event Logo>

Schedule and Timelines Sunday {Saturday if the briefing is on Thursday} hh:mm – hh:mm Athletes’ Lounge open and check-in hh:mm – hh:mm Transition Area open for Elite Men hh:mm – hh:mm Warm-up for Elite Men hh:mm Elite Men Start hh:mm – hh:mm Medal ceremony hh:mm Closing ceremony {comment – to be deleted: Additional information can be added, such as „ buses leave for the Closing Ceremony from………. at hh:mm”} <Insert Event Logo>

<Insert Event Logo> Check-in procedures {if applicable} Team officials entering the venue Using the shuttle service from the …………… Schedule (<pickup location> to <dropoff location>): hh:mm, hh:mm, hh:mm, <Insert Event Logo>

<Insert Event Logo> Check-in procedures Athletes Lounge Uniform check (name, country, logos, ITU logo, zippers) – photos taken of each uniform. Wearing other uniform during the race = DQF! Body marking check (both arms, both legs) Timing chip distribution (2 for the ankles / 1 for the ankle {choose the correct one} / 1 for the bike {if applicable} Swim cap distribution <Insert Event Logo>

Check-in procedures Transition Area Bike check (Bike mechanic available) The maximum tyre diameter for the MTB is 29 inch. The minimum cross section is 1.5 inch. A plate will be placed on the bike’s handlebar on each athletes’ bike. Finishing without a plate is subject to DSQ. Helmet check To add any equipment to the bike, you must obtain approval from the Race Referee up until 10 minutes after the end of the Athletes‘ Briefing. Clip-on handlebars are forbidden

<Insert Event Logo> Pre-start Procedure Athlete Introduction: 10 minutes before start - line-up under the swim exit gantry Jog to the platform Select your position and stay behind the line! Athlete blocking more than one place will result DQF <Insert Event Logo>

<Insert Event Logo> Start Procedures Athletes in position: The start can be given any time after the TD announces ”On your mark” Electronic horn blast / Air horn blast {choose the correct} The race starts Athletes not moving forward at the start will receive a time penalty of 15 seconds in TA1. <Insert Event Logo>

False Start Procedures False start Example: Several horn blasts Kayaks in front of you Everyone goes back to her/his spot Valid start but with early starter : If an athlete(s) starts before the horn and everyone else starts with the horn, the false starter(s) will receive a time penalty of 15 seconds in TA1. During the time penalty the athlete(s) may not touch any equipment! <Insert Event Logo>

<Insert Event Logo> The Course Swim <number> lap(s) of <lenght of one lap>m Bike <number> laps of <lenght of one lap>km Run <Insert Event Logo>

<Insert Event Logo> The Course <Insert overall course map> <Insert Event Logo>

<Insert Event Logo> Swim course Today at hh:mm am Water temperature: XX.X ºC Air temperature: XX.X ºC Wetsuit allowed / Wetsuit not allowed {choose the correct} <number of laps> laps (total distance of <total lenght of the swim in meter>m) Distance to the first turn buoy <lenght in meter>m Take cap, goggles to transition into your box <Insert Event Logo>

<Insert Event Logo> Swim course Map <Insert Swim Course Map> <Insert Event Logo>

<Insert Event Logo> Transition Area Traditional Bike Racks – one row / two rows {choose the correct} Running shoes in front of the box, helmet on the bike Bags to the Athletes Lounge Wetsuits {if applicable}, googles & swim caps into the box Mount line at the end of the TA <Insert Event Logo>

<Insert Event Logo> Transition Flow <Insert TZ Map> <Insert Event Logo>

<Insert Event Logo> Bike course <number of laps> laps (total distance of <total lenght of the bike in kilometer>km) Hilly / flat and technical / not technical {choose the correct} Drafting is allowed in all the categories, but not between men and women. 1 Wheel Station 1 Team wheel station For locations see the map <Insert Event Logo>

<Insert Event Logo> Bike course Only discard bottles and litter within littering zones as indicated by the following signs: Lap Counter: at the <location of the Lap counter> <Insert Event Logo>

<Insert Event Logo> Bike Course Map <Insert Bike Course Map (show locations of wheel station, lap counter & littering zones) (clarify if the athletes will be passing through the TZ on every lap)> <Insert Event Logo>

<Insert Event Logo> Caution Caution signal: three sharp whistles and red flags <Insert Event Logo>

<Insert Event Logo> Run course <number of laps> laps (total distance of <total lenght of the bike in kilometer>km) Aid stations: <number> per lap For locations see the map Sealed water and ice sponges {if applicable} Only discard bottles and litter within littering zones as indicated by the following signs: Photo-finish Congestion in finish area: Go to mixed zone / recovery area <Insert Event Logo>

<Insert Event Logo> Run Course Map Insert Run Course Map (show locations of aid station, lap counter, littering zones & finish chute) (clarify if the athletes will be passing through the TZ on every lap) <Insert Event Logo>

Run Penalty Box The penalty box is for infringements in: TA1, bike and TA2 e..x.: Mount before mount line, dismount after dismount line, discharge or store your equipment outside your designated area, rack the bike outside your own space etc (Transition will be videotaped for infringements) Location: {include the exact location} m before the Transition Area Information: White board to show race numbers (Athletes need to read the board – coaches are advised to check and inform their athletes) Procedure: 15 second time penalty served on any lap of the run If you don’t stop DSQ

Run Penalty Box Rule interpretation Mount after the mount line: It has to be one contact of the athlete foot with the floor after the mount line. If this contact doesn’t occur the action is considered as mount the bike before the mount line. Dismount before the dismount line: It has to be one contact of the athlete foot with the floor before the dismount line. If this contact doesn’t occur the action is considered as dismount the bike before the dismount line. Discharge or store your equipment inside your designated area: Leaving the equipment s(swim cap, googles, helmet, etc.) in the designated box. Rack the bike inside your own space: In case of Traditional bike rack, the bike must be racked with at least one side of the handlebar or the seatpost with 0,5m to the name plate. In case of Individual bike race, the bike must be racked with the front wheel to the designated rack.

<Insert Event Logo> Post-race Procedures When you finish, keep moving through to the mixed-zone and recovery area For awards, dress “up” with race uniform or country clothes Awards Ceremony immediately following finish Ambush marketing rules apply <Insert Event Logo>

<Insert Event Logo> Post-race Procedures Anti-Doping Control Photo ID is needed for every athlete that is selected for test Team Medical Access Only one accredited team medical person will be allowed to enter the medical tent, after ITU Medical Delegate’s permission. Each National Federation is permitted to have 1 team medical accreditation for all elite events. <Insert Event Logo>

<Insert Event Logo> Coaches areas Accreditation Coaches’ accreditation will only be distributed to those coaches who’s National Federations registered them through the on-line system They will have access to: <AREAS> Coaches will have a designated space available on the bike and run segments to supply athletes with their own food and beverages. {comment to be deleted: show on a map} <Insert Event Logo>

<Insert Event Logo> Important Updates {If applicable} <Insert Event Logo>

<Insert Event Logo> Weather forecast Temp Weather Friday ….ºC <type> Saturday ….ºC <type> Sunday ….ºC <type> <Insert Event Logo>

<Insert Event Logo> Good Luck! <Insert Event Logo>