The Hebrews (Isrealites) Nomadic group that came from the Fertile Crescent. (Canaan) Abraham – “Father of the Jewish people” Forced into Egyptian Slavery. Moses – brought them out of slavery. (Exodus) Celebrate that period during Passover.
Core Beliefs Monotheism – belief in one God. Hebrews believe God promised them the kingdom if Israel with Jerusalem as its capital. Torah – Jewish sacred text. Covenant – God made a binding agreement with the Jews. Ten Commandments - written set of laws given to the Hebrews by God through Moses. Moral and ethical set of laws to guide them how to behave toward God and each other. Prophets – spiritual leaders believed to be sent by God.
Core Beliefs One true God Prophets The Torah Ten Commandments Hebrews : God’s chosen people Covenant with God
Jewish Tradition