CARING FOR HEAD & NECK CANCER PATIENTS: IT TAKES A VILLAGE Mary Ellen McBride, LMSW, OSW-C Head & Neck Cancer Symposium September 9, 2016
Our Patients Had Lives Before Cancer Work Issues Family Issues Financial Problems Lack of Social Supports History of Substance Abuse History of Tobacco Abuse ©2015
Now Let’s Add A New H&N Cancer Fear/ Anxiety About Their Future Lack of Adequate Health Insurance Inability to Work Increased Financial Difficulties Transportation Problems Lack of Help at Home Physical effects of Illness and Treatment ©2015
The National Comprehensive Cancer Network Recognizes This NCCN expects the patient’s non-medical needs to be addressed: Physical/ Exercise Psychological Social Spiritual Financial Nutritional St. Joseph Mercy Health System offers all this and more. Our staff includes: Therapists (P.T. & O.T.) Social Workers Chaplains Financial Navigators Nutritionists ©2015
Social Work Role * Advocates for patients * Connects with resources both inside & out of the Health System * Facilitates FMLA & disability claims * Provides individual & family counseling * Assists with Advance Care Planning * Facilitates support groups ©2015
Need for a Specialized Support Group Continued Self Esteem Issues Post Treatment: Lack of saliva Inability to eat as before; don’t want to eat in public Decreased strength due to weight loss Disfigurement Employment issues Challenges during treatment: Excessive mucus Feeding tubes Dehydration Weight loss Profound fatigue Embarrassment Hopelessness ©2015
Ann Arbor Chapter of SPOHNC * Group meets monthly for 90 minutes. * Patients form relationships. * Support from peers (“I found my people”). * Caregivers/ significant others included. * Patients share information & resources. * Facilitator sends out e-mail updates if necessary between meetings. * SPOHNC newsletter is a great source of information for patients. ©2015
Speakers Physician Dentist Director of Research Nurse Navigator Nurse Practitioner Pharmacist Speech Therapist ©2015
Special Topics Presented Advance Directives Depression Holiday Stress Insurance Issues ACS Guidelines for Follow-Up Care ©2015
Patients treated elsewhere are welcome at our support group Patients treated elsewhere are welcome at our support group. Thank you for your attention. ©2015